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Programmable Ergo Pro Keyboard

by Matias

The Programmable Ergo Pro Keyboard by Matias adds custom programming functionality to the world's original adjustable, separated, mechanical keyswitch keyboard. The Programmable Ergo Pro Keyboard includes all of the features that the Ergo Pro Keyboar ...

The Programmable Ergo Pro Keyboard by Matias adds custom programming functionality to the world's original adjustable, separated, mechanical keyswitch keyboard. The Programmable Ergo Pro Keyboard includes all of the features that the Ergo Pro Keyboard models are known for, with the added features of 20 keys being custom-programmable to perform macros up to 60 characters in length. The heavy duty design ensures that this essential input device will hold up to the most intense workloads when high-performance is demanded. The Matias Quiet Click mechanical keyswitches provide superior tactile feedback and the faster typing speeds achievable with mechanical keyswitches, but without the accompanying "click" of the switch and "clack" of the key bottoming out. Connected by a bridging cable, the separate left and right modules of the keyboard can be positioned shoulder-width apart to help people of all builds reduce the health risks associated with ulnar deviation and over-rotation at the shoulder.

The feet on the Programmable Ergo Pro offer two mutually exclusive orientations for the keyboard. The modules can be laterally tented 9° to create the "thumbs up" posture that reduces pronation while typing. Alternatively, the inclination of the keyboard (which is neutral by default) can be adjusted to a negative inclination of 4.5°. The efficient, symmetrical design yields a compact lateral footprint of 14.5" and this, combined with the embedded numeric keypad, greatly reduces the reach to the mouse. The spacious and generously padded palm supports come securely screwed to the keyboard, but can be removed if desired.

The Matias Quiet Click keyswitches also provide better resistance to crumbs and dust, and have a keyswitch rating of 50 million keystrokes. The key cap legends are laser etched and will not wear off even after intensive use. Bonus features include a 3-port hi-speed USB 2.0 hub and special Anti-Ghosting circuitry, which can accommodate the fastest of typing speeds without the fear of dropped characters. The Programmable Ergo Pro is also available in models for both PC and Mac environments.Note: With full separation the distance between index finger to index finger on the home row is around 17.5".

Le clavier Programmable Ergo Pro Keyboard par Matias ajoute la programmation personnalisée sur le premier clavier au monde qui est ajustable, séparé, et qui a des touches mécaniques. Le Programmable Ergo Pro Keyboard conserve toutes les fonctionnalités des modèles Ergo Pro Keyboard standard, mais offre aux gens 20 touches qui peuvent être programmées pour faire des macros jusqu'à 60 caractères. La conception robuste assure que ce périphérique fondamental va soutenir la charge de travail intense pour la performance haute. L'interrupteur mécanique clic silencieux de Matias offre la confirmation tactile supérieure et de la dactylographie plus rapide qui sont associées souvent avec les interrupteurs mécaniques sans le clic et le claquement de la touche après avoir atteindre sa fin. Reliés avec un câble, les modules séparés du côté droite et gauche peuvent se faire positionnés de manière à permettre aux gens d'éviter de ce tordre aux épaules, coudes, et poignets.

Les pieds du clavier Programmable Ergo Pro keyboard peuvent fournir des orientations mutuellement exclusives. Les modules peuvent être montés sur une tente latérale de 9° pour créer une position de "pouce en haut" pour réduire la pronation durant la dactylographie. Autrement, l'inclinaison du clavier (qui est neutre par défaut) peut se faire ajustée dans une inclinaison négative de 4.5°. L'efficace, une conception symétrique qui rend une empreinte latérale compacte de 14.5 pouces et cela, combinée avec un pavé numérique intégré, réduit significativement l'étirage pour atteindre la souris. Les supports paume spacieux sont généreusement rembourrés et sécurément vissés solide sur le clavier, mais peuvent être retirés si desirer.

Les interrupteurs de Matias offrent aussi une meilleure résistance aux miettes et aux poussières, et les interrupteurs sont évalués à 50 million frappes. Les légendes sur les capuchons des clés sont gravées au laser a l'intérieur pour que les lettres et les chiffres ne s'effacent pas, même durant l'usage intensive. De plus, il y a un concentrateur USB 2.0 de trois ports a haute vitesse et des circuits électriques anti-fantôme spéciaux (special Anti-Ghosting circuitry), qui permettent les personnes de faire la dactylographie de haute vitesse sans avoir peur de supprimer les caractères. Le Programmable Ergo Pro est disponible en deux modèles, un pour PC et un pour Mac.

Veuillez noter: Avec la séparation complète, la distance entre les doigts index quand ils sont sur la rangée médiane est environ 17.5 pouces.

Model #DescriptionPriceIn Stock?Buy Now
FK403QPC-PProgrammable Ergo Pro for PC$285.00Yes
FK403Q-PProgrammable Ergo Pro for Mac$285.00Yes
Model #DescriptionPriceIn Stock?Buy Now
BC403-F Bridging Cable Accessory Kit (20 cm)$13.00 Yes
BC403-R Retractable Bridging Cable Accessory Kit (43 cm) $26.00 Yes
BC403-F2 Bridging Cable Accessory Kit (200 cm) SPECIAL ORDER ONLY. $42.00 No
PS403-B Palm Support Accessory Kit, Black NO 30 DAY CSG. SPECIAL ORDER ONLY. $70.00 No
PS403-R Palm Support Accessory Kit, Red NO 30 DAY CSG. SPECIAL ORDER ONLY. $70.00 No
PS403-DB Palm Support Accessory Kit, Dark Blue NO 30 DAY CSG. SPECIAL ORDER ONLY. $70.00 No
PS403-W Palm Support Accessory Kit, White NO 30 DAY CSG. SPECIAL ORDER ONLY. $70.00 No
PS403-LB Palm Support Accessory Kit, Light Blue NO 30 DAY CSG. SPECIAL ORDER ONLY. $70.00 No

X-keys XK-80 Programmable Keyboard

by PI Engineering

The XK-80 Programmable Keyboard uses the latest MacroWorks 3.1 software and standard Xkeys functions to yield easily customizable layouts, programming options, and legending for whatever features required. This unit has 80 relegendable keys, blue and ...

The XK-80 Programmable Keyboard uses the latest MacroWorks 3.1 software and standard Xkeys functions to yield easily customizable layouts, programming options, and legending for whatever features required. This unit has 80 relegendable keys, blue and red backlighting for each addressable key, hardware mode supporting keyboard, mouse, and joystick emulation, and more.

This device can send keystrokes to any operating system or application which recognizes a USB keyboard. X-keys XK-80 has internal memory which allows a user to program the Keyboard on one computer and retain that programming, so that the custom layout is recognized as Plug and Play on other computers. Clear key lenses keep printed or hand written legends securely in place and protect them from wear while making it quick and easy to update them. Red and blue backlighting with adjustable intensity and detachable feet under the housing improve the visibility and viewing angle of the key legends.

MacroWorks 3.1 (MW3) Software provides simple programming for launching applications, opening files or accessing directories. It allows the user to insert special characters, foreign language letters and symbols as Unicode text strings which can then be assigned to any key. PI Engineering's new PI3 firmware offers new capabilities to the developer including flash updates, a joystick / mouse emulation and the newly developed Reflector Mode. Reflector Mode allows the developer to send outbound messages to the X-keys which can be reflected back to the Operating System in keyboard, mouse or joystick data stream.

Note: This model is identical to the XK-60 model but does not have 20 key blockers permanently installed.

Model #DescriptionPriceIn Stock?Buy Now
XK-0980-UBK80XK-80 Programmable Keyboard, USB$385.00Yes
Model #DescriptionPriceIn Stock?Buy Now
XK-A-556-R P.I. Engineering X-Keys Key Blocker Accessory Kit, set of 10 individual key blockers, Black$13.50 Yes

Pro Fit Ergo KB675 EQ TKL Rechargeable Keyboard

by Kensington

The Kensington Pro Fit Ergo KB675 EQ TKL Rechargeable Keyboard is a tenkeyless layout that features the same winglike design as the full-size Pro Fit models. The alphanumeric keys are oriented at approximately 11° with the navigation and arrow ke ...

The Kensington Pro Fit Ergo KB675 EQ TKL Rechargeable Keyboard is a tenkeyless layout that features the same winglike design as the full-size Pro Fit models. The alphanumeric keys are oriented at approximately 11° with the navigation and arrow keys being at 0°. This sloping of the keys reduces pronation of the hands and forearm while typing. The left and right key groups are also splayed outwards at 33° to encourage a more neutral alignment and reduce ulnar deviation at the wrists. The integrated palm support on the Pro Fit Ergo KB675 is just over 3" in depth at the middle, and offers cushioning for the palms. It is covered in a leatherette material that is easily cleaned.

The angle and height of the Pro Fit Ergo KB675 tenkeyless keyboard is such that the wrists are supported in a fairly neutral alignment when the elbows are about 1" below the desk surface. For those who would rather sit at a more ergonomic height (i.e. elbows at or just above desk height) and benefit from a slight improvement in wrist alignment there are legs built into the underside of the palm support. When deployed these legs elevate the front to create a nominal 4° negative slope. When the keyboard is flat the highest point on the keys is 1.4" and with the negative elevation legs deployed the highest point is 1.9".
Note: While this keyboard does bear great similarity in appearance to the Sculpt Ergonomic Desktop Keyboard from Microsoft it should be noted that the concave layout of the Microsoft keyboard positioned the hands at a lower point than does the Ergo KB675 which has a convex curve to the key layout. As well, the addition of video conferencing keys at the top moves the hand about 0.75" lower on the keyboard which may cause the right hand to want to slip down and off the palm support.

The island-style keys are topped with flat keycaps that have very distinct edges. The key action is fairly quiet but it should be noted that they have a moderately high peak operation force of 55 grams, which over time can cause fatigue and strain on the fingers. As well, the inner columns of keys are wider to create a more appealing look but this can lead to inadvertently striking the keys off-centre. When struck to the edge there is a tendency for these keys to partially bind, thus requiring more force to complete the key activation. This could lead to dropped keystrokes and an overcompensation response of exerting a higher degree of force to ensure activation. With a limited travel distance of just 2.5 mm this will likely lead to the fingers impacting at the end of each keystroke.

This keyboard includes a bank of 4 dedicated video conferencing keys (End Call, Camera On/Off, Share/Stop Sharing, and Mute On/Off). There are also dedicated keys for Calculator, Search, Show Desktop, and Screen Shot, while the F Keys support Media Control alternate functions. In the middle of the keyboard are RGB Battery Status, Caps Lock, and BT Connection LED indicators. There are 20 programmable keys that can be accessed using the Kensington Konnect software - (PC and Mac options available) - that facilitates Key Mapping, Macro Programming, etc.

The Pro Fit Ergo KB675 EQ TKL Rechargeable Keyboard is Windows and Mac compatible and is able to connect via either Bluetooth 4.0LE or the included 2.4GHz wireless receiver (replaceable if lost) which employs 128-bit AES government-grade encryption for security. The connection is switchable via the dedicated "Connection" key.

Le Kensington Pro Fit Ergo KB675 EQ TKL Rechargeable Keyboard est un clavier avec disposition tenkeyless qui présente le même design en forme d'aile (winglike) que les modèles full-size Pro Fit. Les touches alphanumériques sont orientées à environ 11°, tandis que les touches de navigation et les touches fléchées sont à 0°. Cette inclinaison des touches réduit la pronation des mains et des avant-bras pendant la dactylo. Les groupes de touches gauche et droite sont également ébrasés vers l'extérieur à 33° pour favoriser un alignement plus neutre et réduire la déviation ulnaire au niveau des poignets. Le support de paume intégré sur le Pro Fit Ergo KB675 a une profondeur d'un peu plus de 3 pouces au milieu et offre un rembourrage pour les paumes. Il est recouvert d'un matériau en similicuir facile à nettoyer.

L'angle et la hauteur du Pro Fit Ergo KB675 tenkeyless keyboard sont tels que les poignets sont soutenus dans un alignement relativement neutre lorsque les coudes se trouvent à environ 1po sous la surface du bureau. Pour ceux qui préfèrent s'asseoir à une hauteur plus ergonomique (c'est-à-dire les coudes à la hauteur du bureau ou juste au-dessus) et bénéficier d'une légère amélioration de l'alignement des poignets, il y a des pieds qui sont intégrés sous le support de paume. Lorsqu'ils sont déployés, ils élèvent l'avant pour créer une pente négative nominale de 4°. Lorsque le clavier est à plat, le point le plus haut sur les touches est de 1.4po et lorsque les pieds d'élévation négative sont déployés, le point le plus haut est de 1.9po. Veuillez noter: Bien que ce clavier ressemble beaucoup au Sculpt Ergonomic Desktop Keyboard de Microsoft, il doit être noter que la disposition concave du clavier Microsoft positionne les mains à un point plus bas que l'Ergo KB675, dont la disposition des touches présente une courbe convexe. Également, l'addition des touches video conferencing en haut du clavier déplace la main environ 0.75po plus bas sur le clavier, ce qui peut amener la main droite à vouloir glisser vers le bas et n'est plus sur le support de paume.

Les touches de style "island" ont des capuchons plats qui ont des bordures très distincts. Les touches sont assez silencieuses, mais il devrait être noter qu'elles ont une force de frappe significativement élevée de 55 grammes, ce qui, après un bout de temps, peut causer de la fatigue et des tensions sur les doigts. Également, les colonnes intérieures des touches sont plus larges pour créer un apparance plus intéressant, mais cela peut causer de frapper les touches sur le côté par accident au lieu du centre des touches. Lorsque les touches sont frappées sur le côté, elles ont tendance à se coller partiellement, ce qui nécessite une plus grande force pour compléter l'activation de la touche. Cela peut causer les caractères d'être perdus et une réponse excessive qui nécessite plus de force pour assurer l'activation de la touche. Avec une distance de déplacement limitée à 2.5mm, les doigts risquent d'avoir la vibration/choc de l'impact à la fin de chaque frappe.

Ce clavier comprend une banque de 4 touches spécifique au video conferencing (Fin d'appel, Caméra On/Off, Partage/Arrêt du Partage, et Coupure du son On/Off). Il existe également des touches spécifique aux Calculator, Search, Show Desktop, et Screen Shot, tandis que les touches F Keys support les fonctions alternatives des Media Control. Au milieu du clavier se trouvent le RGB Battery Status, Caps Lock, et BT Connection LED indicators. Vingt touches programmables sont accessibles à l'aide du logiciel Kensington Konnect (options PC et Mac disponibles), qui facilite le mappage des touches, la programmation de macros, etc.

Le clavier rechargeable Pro Fit Ergo KB675 EQ TKL est compatible avec Windows et Mac et peut se connecter soit par Bluetooth 4.0LE ou par sans fil 2.4GHz avec la clé inclus (remplaçable si perdu) qui utilise la technologie Advanced Encryption Standard (AES-128) pour la sécurité. La connexion est switchable par la touche spécifique "Connection".

Model #DescriptionPriceIn Stock?Buy Now
K75491USKensington Pro Fit Ergo KB675 EQ TKL Rechargeable Keyboard NO 30 DAY CSG. $105.00Yes

Classic X-keys Stick

by PI Engineering

Whether you are a Graphic Designer, an Architect, a Web Manager, or a Two-finger Typist, proficiency in your software requires rapid input. Keyboard Macros and Hot Keys offer the shortest path to action, and the X-keys provides a clearly labeled, phy ...

Whether you are a Graphic Designer, an Architect, a Web Manager, or a Two-finger Typist, proficiency in your software requires rapid input. Keyboard Macros and Hot Keys offer the shortest path to action, and the X-keys provides a clearly labeled, physical location for these complex or redundant functions so you don't have to think about them. The X-keys lets you focus on the project instead of the process.

(Other accessories not listed are available on special order.)

Model #DescriptionPriceIn Stock?Buy Now
XKS-79-USB-RUSB modell NO 30 DAY CSG. DISCONTINUED. $142.50Yes
Model #DescriptionPriceIn Stock?Buy Now
XK-A-001 Standard keys (beige) NO 30 DAY CSG. DISCONTINUED. $6.00 Yes
XK-A-003 10 horizontal keys (beige) NO 30 DAY CSG. DISCONTINUED. $11.00 Yes
XK-A-004 10 single keys (beige) NO 30 DAY CSG. $13.00 Yes
XK-A-128 10 blank legend sheets DISCONTINUED. $11.00 Yes

Savant Programmable 20-key Keypad

by Kinesis Corporation

The Savant Programmable 20-Key Keypad from Kinesis features the same low-force, long-life tactile mechanical key switches used on the Kinesis Advantage keyboards. Two-layer functionality allows two functions to be programmed into every key. ...

The Savant Programmable 20-Key Keypad from Kinesis features the same low-force, long-life tactile mechanical key switches used on the Kinesis Advantage keyboards. Two-layer functionality allows two functions to be programmed into every key.

Model #DescriptionPriceIn Stock?Buy Now
AC250PS/2-BLKSavant Programmable 20-key Keypad, PS/2 NO 30 DAY CSG. DISCONTINUED. CLEARANCE. $75.00Yes

TKO Tournament Mechanical Keyboard

by Kinesis Gaming

Performance and portability form the foundation for the TKO Tournament Keyboard from Kinesis Gaming. The TKO Tournament Keyboard is packed with power. The 4MB onboard memory can store up to 9 dual-layer fully programmable layouts for instant access t ...

Performance and portability form the foundation for the TKO Tournament Keyboard from Kinesis Gaming. The TKO Tournament Keyboard is packed with power. The 4MB onboard memory can store up to 9 dual-layer fully programmable layouts for instant access to game or program-specific commands. Programming can be done directly to the keyboard or through the the graphical interface of the SmartSet APP (Available for Windows and Mac). Full NKRO mode and 100% Anti-ghosting design means no lost commands, regardless of how fast and furious the action gets. Macro delays, tap-and-hold actions, mouse clicks, and more can be easily assigned. As for speed, a 1MS response time (1000mhz polling) means that the best player wins - not the best hardware (not that the hardware doesn't matter - might as well have that advantage as well). The unique "HyperSpace" keys offer two additional thumb-operated keys that are easily converted to a full-width spacebar. Media and navigation commands are easily accessed via the embedded FN layer that remains available regardless of which custom layout is being used. And it doesn't matter the platform used - the TKO Tournament Keyboard will fully function with Windows 7-10, Mac OSX v10.6+, Chrome OS, or Linux. Just one full-size USB port will give any gamer everything they have always wanted - and more.

The TKO Tournament Keyboard is available in three models, each of which features a different type of KAILH mechanical keyswitch - White, Brown, or Red. These premium keyswitches are topped by full height concave laser etched Doubleshot PBT keycaps equipped with RGB backlighting that is fully addressable, meaning every single key can be customized. The TKO ships with each of the 9 layouts pre-programmed with one of the lighting effects. The SmartSet APP provides customization of individual key colours, speed, direction, and zone to create personalized visual effects. Secondary functions are clearly indicated by white printed legends on the front of each key.

In order to address ergonomics and further enhance performance, the TKO features a "ZERO" slope design that encourages a more neutral alignment of the wrists, with the alpha keycaps at a single level with the tops angled slightly backward. Front-mounted legs let the keyboard be moved into an even more negative inclination to enhance this effect. Large "side-tenting" legs let the entire keyboard be angled to the left or right to ease the strain on the forearm during intense gaming sessions.

The ultra-compact design (achieved by eliminating the 10-key numeric pad and reassigning the Navigation and F-keys as secondary functions) means that whether a mouse is used to the right or left, the reach is reduced to the absolute minimum. Gaming becomes easier and more comfortable with the keyboard and mouse in close proximity to each other. Numbers can of course be generated on the top row of keys. Those who want a stand-alone numeric keyboard have the option of adding either the Mechanical Keypad for PC or the Freestyle2 Keypad for PC and Mac.

Model #DescriptionPriceIn Stock?Buy Now
KBTKO-KBWKinesis TKO Tournament Keyboard, Kailh White Clicky Mechanical Switches $165.00Yes
Add a Vektor RGB Gaming Mouse and get a $20 Instant Rebate on the bundle (applied at time of payment)
Model #DescriptionPriceIn Stock?Buy Now
FP30A Savant Elite2 Triple Action Foot Pedal$365.00 Yes
PD9VEK Vektor RGB Gaming Mouse Add a Freestyle Edge Split Keyboard (KB950-XXX) and get a $20 Instant Rebate on the bundle (applied at time of payment) $60.00 Yes

X-keys XKE-40 Stick

by PI Engineering

The X-keys XKE-40 Stick is a USB HID class device that uses the latest MacroWorks 3.1 software and standard Xkeys functions to provide easily customizable layouts, programming options, and legending for whatever features required in a compact format. ...

The X-keys XKE-40 Stick is a USB HID class device that uses the latest MacroWorks 3.1 software and standard Xkeys functions to provide easily customizable layouts, programming options, and legending for whatever features required in a compact format. This unit has 40 relegendable single keys in an extruded metal casing, blue and red backlighting for each addressable key, USB connection to PC or Mac, and free Software Development Kits for Windows, OS X, Linux, Android, and raw HID.

This device can send keystrokes to any operating system or application which recognizes a USB keyboard. The X-keys XKE-40 Stick has internal memory which allows a user to program the Stick on one computer and retain that programming, so that the custom layout is recognized as Plug and Play on other computers. Clear key lenses keep printed or hand written legends securely in place and protect them from wear while making it quick and easy to update them. Red and blue backlighting with adjustable intensity and detachable feet under the housing improve the visibility and viewing angle of the key legends.

MacroWorks 3.1 (MW3) Software provides simple programming for launching applications, opening files or accessing directories. It allows the user to insert special characters, foreign language letters and symbols as Unicode text strings which can then be assigned to any key. PI Engineering's new PI3 firmware offers new capabilities to the developer including flash updates, a joystick/mouse emulation and the newly developed Reflector Mode. Reflector Mode allows the developer to send outbound messages to the X-keys which can be reflected back to the Operating System in keyboard, mouse or joystick data stream.

Note: The XKE-40 is designed to sit on a flat surface and can be angled at 45° using the included feet to provide better viewing.

Model #DescriptionPriceIn Stock?Buy Now
XK-1500-USK40-RXKE-40 Stick$295.00Yes

Advantage Contoured Keyboard

by Kinesis Corporation

The innovative three-dimensional design of this contoured keyboard from Kinesis Corporation delivered unparalleled levels of comfort and productivity for touch typists. The innovative design ensured a neutral ergonomic interface for a wide range of i ...

The innovative three-dimensional design of this contoured keyboard from Kinesis Corporation delivered unparalleled levels of comfort and productivity for touch typists. The innovative design ensured a neutral ergonomic interface for a wide range of individuals, regardless of whether they were 6' 4" or 4' 6". All touch typists should consider this style of keyboard, as it is the only keyboard design which goes beyond the wrist and addresses the ergonomics at the level of the fingers, intelligently redistributing the repetitive activity associated with typing to minimize the potential of fatigue. The Advantage Contoured Keyboard proved to be especially popular with keyboard intensive users including programmers, transcriptionists, writers and web developers which is why Kinesis continues to produce the second generation Advantage2 Contoured Keyboard and the fully separated Advantage360 and Advantage360 PRO Contoured Keyboards.

Le conception novatrice du 3 dimensions du Contoured keyboard vous offre également des niveaux de confort et du productions excellentes pour les utilisateurs de toutes tailles différentes qui peuvent faire la dactylographes sans regarder les touches. Ce clavier vise à assurer une nouvelle interface neutre plus complète et plus ergonomique pour n`importe qui, quelles que soient 6' 4" ou 4' 6". Tout utilisateurs qui peuvent faire la dactylographes sans regarder les touches devrait considerés ce clavier, car c`est le seul clavier qui va plus loin qu`adresser les poignets et continue avec l`ergonomie aux niveau des doigts, et en effets distribut intelligemment l`action répètitif qui est associer avec la dactylographs pour moin fatiguer les doigts. Ce clavier est la plus populaire avec les gens qui fait la dactylographes intensifs incluants les programmateurs, traducteurs, transcripteurs, écrivains/ auteurs, dévelopeurs de contenu sur le web.

Ce clavier est le clavier plus populair dans la ligne des claviers Contoured. Il utilise un interface USB avec un concentrateur 2 ports USB intégré. Il est compatible avec les ordinateurs PC et Mac, et inclu des charactéristiques intégré comme accès illimité au mappage, programmation de macros, est commutable entre QWERTY & DVORAK et plus.

Model #DescriptionPriceIn Stock?Buy Now
KB500USB-BLKBlack model,
KB500USB-QD-BLKQWERTY-DVORAK Dual Legended model, black. DISCONTINUED. $n/aNo
KB500USB-BLK-LFBlack model with linear force mechanical keyswitches instead of tactile mechanical keyswitches. DISCONTINUED. CALL. $n/aNo
Model #DescriptionPriceIn Stock?Buy Now
AC210USB-BLK Mechanical Keypad for PC, Black, for PC DISCONTINUED. $82.50 Yes
AC210MUSB-WHT Low Force Tactile Numeric Keypad, White, for Mac NO 30 DAY CSG. DISCONTINUED. $62.50 Yes
FS007-RJ11 Advantage Single Pedal Accessory$77.50 Yes
AC005PP-BLK Advantage Palm Pads Accessory Kit, One Pair, Black$30.00 Yes
KC020QD-BLK Advantage QWERTY/DVORAK dual legends Keycaps set,black DISCONTINUED. $62.50 No

Truly Ergonomic CLEAVE Keyboard

by Truly Ergonomic

The CLEAVE Keyboard features the Truly Ergonomic split design to achieve a natural typing position. This non-traditional and slightly separated fixed-splay key layout aids in achieving a neutral wrist alignment by orienting the keys closer to the nat ...

The CLEAVE Keyboard features the Truly Ergonomic split design to achieve a natural typing position. This non-traditional and slightly separated fixed-splay key layout aids in achieving a neutral wrist alignment by orienting the keys closer to the natural inward angle of the forearms and hands when using the keyboard.

Unlike traditional keyboards where the rows are offset horizontally, the CLEAVE features a columnar layout, with each column adjusted vertically to optimize key positioning by matching the length and reach of each finger, with the keycaps of each row being individually sculpted to optimize finger contact. The symmetrical layout also encourages a natural ergonomic central positioning of the keyboard.

In order to reduce the strain on the weaker pinky fingers, the most commonly used keys like Backspace, Delete, Shift, and Enter, are positioned centrally to be activated using the index fingers and thumbs. This also reduces awkward reaches that can reduce typing speed.

The CLEAVE is also the first keyboard to incorporate Optical Infrared Mechanical Switches and features a minimalist, almost flat design. Rather than keys being recessed into a housing, it features a base that houses the PCB, with the keys rising above the machined aluminum housing. The integrated self-skinned polyurethane palm supports are easily cleaned and help to reduce wrist extension while providing a cushioned rest for the palms.

The CLEAVE Keyboard is first and foremost an ergonomically-focused high-performance keyboard. However, the compact footprint achieved with the modified key layout and elimination of the numeric keypad also results in an overall width of just 13.6", reducing the reach for a mouse on the right by several inches and significantly lowering the risk of shoulder issues arising from overreach. This combination of high performance mechanical keyswitches, advanced ergonomic layout, quality structural design, and compact dimensions make this keyboard stand out from the crowd.

Model #DescriptionPriceIn Stock?Buy Now
TE-CLEAVE-S-USSilent Tactile Switches CALL. $n/aNo
TE-CLEAVE-L-USSilent Linear Switches CALL. $n/aNo
TE-CLEAVE-C-USSoft-Click Tactile Switches CALL. $n/aNo

X-keys XKE-124 T-Bar USB Keyboard

by PI Engineering

The X-keys XKE-124 T-Bar USB Keyboard from PI Engineering is an easily customizable programmable keyboard with 124 keys and an embedded T-Bar fader for building whatever keyboard layout a user needs, including a switching controller for vMix, Newtek ...

The X-keys XKE-124 T-Bar USB Keyboard from PI Engineering is an easily customizable programmable keyboard with 124 keys and an embedded T-Bar fader for building whatever keyboard layout a user needs, including a switching controller for vMix, Newtek Tricaster, or other popular streaming software. Like similar X-keys products, the XKE-124 T-Bar model has addressable blue and red backlighting for each key, connects to a computer via a USB connection, and is provided with an SDK for software developers for greater customization and integration with existing hardware. It is also housed in a heavy extruded aluminum case with powder coated finish for added durability. The embedded T-Bar fader is smooth, solid, and reports 0 - 255 linear position values.

For those who wish to use the XKE-124 T-Bar mainly as a switching controller, PI Engineering also offers a Video Switcher Kit for vMix, Newtek Tricaster, and other streaming software, so that anyone can quickly create their layout of choice. This set is a great complement to the XKE-124 T-Bar as well as the XKE-128 Keyboard.

Model #DescriptionPriceIn Stock?Buy Now
XK-1370-UFB124-RPI Engineering X-keys XKE-124 T-Bar USB Keyboard NO 30 DAY CSG. SPECIAL ORDER ONLY. $1165.00No
Model #DescriptionPriceIn Stock?Buy Now
XK-A-1456-R PI Engineering Video Switcher Key Set Accessory Kit NO 30 DAY CSG. SPECIAL ORDER ONLY. $135.00 No

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