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Seats with Foot Rests

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LeanRite Elite Standing Chair

by Ergo Impact

The LeanRite Elite Standing Chair from Ergo Impact is an ideal seating solution for individuals who wish to spend most of their sit-stand desk time out of a traditional seated position. To accommodate this the LeanRite offers Leaning, Perching, Sitti ...

The LeanRite Elite Standing Chair from Ergo Impact is an ideal seating solution for individuals who wish to spend most of their sit-stand desk time out of a traditional seated position. To accommodate this the LeanRite offers Leaning, Perching, Sitting, Standing, Resting and Stretching postures. Unlike other alternative seating products that "try" to offer multiple positions, the LeanRite Elite actually "succeeds", not at just one but in ALL of the various positions.

The LeanRite employs dual pneumatic cylinders for height adjustment to achieve seat elevations well above any range achievable with standard seating. This unique dual adjustment feature lets the LeanRite be converted in just seconds from use for sitting, leaning or perching into a back rest, lumbar support, or propping stand. If desired the tilting "seat" can even be angled to fully vertical to serve as a backrest while standing or to lean forward against for a change of posture. The self-skinned foam seat is designed to present a gently contoured natural curve to whichever part of the body is in contact. Whether being used as a backless chair, for perching or leaning, as a backrest or lumbar support, or simply as a prop to rest the arm on while taking a break, the seat/backrest/lumbar support offers a comfortable cushioned surface. For increased comfort the LeanRite Elite now also includes a detachable memory foam seat cushion.

The LeanRite gains exceptional stability for all functions from the fact that it incorporates a standing base. Regardless of what posture is adopted, an individual is always resting their weight on the base, effectively becoming their own counterweight. This ensures that they are firmly supported, especially when leaning against the seat. The base is also equipped with a well-cushioned anti-fatigue mat for greater comfort during longer work periods. An anti-slip foam footrest is also included to offer additional comfort and to encourage variation in foot position throughout the day.

The LeanRite Elite is also very mobile. Despite weighing 37 pounds the LeanRite can be moved with minimal effort. Two wide casters at the rear of the chair permit anyone to tilt the entire unit back and using the contoured handle in the seat effortlessly roll the seat wherever it is needed.

The LeanRite is able to meet the seating requirements for by far the majority of people. However, those under 5'0" or over 6'5" may not be able to fully benefit from all positions.

Le LeanRite Elite Standing Chair d`Ergo Impact est une solution de siège idéale pour les utilisateurs de bureaux assis-debout qui souhaitent passer la plupart du temps hors d’une position assise traditionnelle. La chaise LeanRite Elite Standing chair offre plusieurs façons de s`Appuyés, ainsi qu`Assises, Debout, des positions de Repos et de l`Étirements. Contrairement à d'autres produits d'assise alternatifs qui "tentent" de proposer plusieurs positions, la LeanRite Elite "réussit", non pas à un seul position mais dans TOUS les positions.

Le LeanRite Elite Standing Chair utilise un ajustement unique à double vérin pneumatique pour relever la partie du siège bien au-dessus de toute gamme de siège standard. Cela permet aux utilisateurs de changer en quelques secondes le LeanRite de position assis, à s`appuyés contre, ainsi que debout. Le "siège" inclinable peut être pivoté à la verticale pour avoir le dossier comme appui-dos étant debout, ou se pencher en avant pour changer de posture. Le siège formé avec polyuréthane est conçu pour présenter une courbe naturelle pour n`importe partie du corps qui devient en contact. Peut importe la façon dans laquel la chaise est utiliser, sans dossier, pour s`appuyés contre, avec dossier ou support lombaire, ou tout simplement comme support pour poser le bras durant une pause, la chaise/dossier/support lombaire s'adapte au corps et offre une surface coussinée. Un repose pied rembourré et anti-dérapant, aussi qu'un coussin détachable en mousse mémoire sont maintenant inclus avec le LeanRite, ce qui améliore le confort.

Le LeanRite profit une stabilité exceptionnelle pour toutes les fonctions du fait qu'il intègre une base permanente. Quelle que soit la posture adoptée, l’utilisateur repose toujours son poids sur la base, devenant ainsi son propre contrepoids. Cela garantit qu'ils sont fermement soutenus, en particulier lorsqu'ils sont appuyés contre le siège. La base est également équipée d'un tapis antifatigue bien amorti pour plus de confort pendant les longues périodes de travail.

Le LeanRite Elite est également très mobile. Malgré son poids de 37 livres, le LeanRite peut être déplacé avec un effort minimal. Deux grandes roulettes à l'arrière de la chaise permettent aux utilisateurs de faire pencher la chaise entier à l'aide de la poignée profilée du siège et de le faire rouler sans effort partout où il le faut.

Le LeanRite est capable de répondre aux besoins de sièges pour une grande gamme de hauteurs d’utilisateur. Cependant, les personnes qui que sont moins de 5'0po, ou plus de 6'5po, ne vont pas être en mesure de complètement profiter de tout les positions.

Model #DescriptionPriceIn Stock?Buy Now
LRELeanRite Elite Standing Chair$995.00Yes

RSTMOR Drafting PLUS Chair

by ErgoVerse

The RSTMOR Drafting PLUS Chair from ErgoVerse is specifically designed to meet the needs of those of larger build. Dual rectangular steel tube construction rated to support up to 440 pounds and extra-thick padding on the larger-than-average seat are ...

The RSTMOR Drafting PLUS Chair from ErgoVerse is specifically designed to meet the needs of those of larger build. Dual rectangular steel tube construction rated to support up to 440 pounds and extra-thick padding on the larger-than-average seat are combined with easy adjustability to create a chair that is both functional and durable. The RSTMOR chair also offers individuals the option of sitting at a greater height than traditional chairs, which can significantly reduce the stress to which the knees are subjected with repetitive sitting and standing from a standard chair height. An adjustable footrest provides relaxation for the feet and lower legs, especially convenient if working at a raised counter that requires a greater seat elevation. For individuals who are working in a warehouse or assembly environment with raised counters this seat can enable them to reduce the load on their legs and joints by letting them sit while still being able to reach the work surface. The chair also folds for storage.

Model #DescriptionPriceIn Stock?Buy Now
RDPC-11190RSTMOR Drafting PLUS Chair, Black.$705.00Yes

Kanewell Twin Adjustable Saddle Stool in Vinyl

by Kanewell

The Twin Adjustable Saddle Stool from Kanewell provides a comfortable split-saddle seat with the added benefit of width and angle adjustment for a personalized fit. This seat is well-suited for use in active office environments, at raised counters or ...

The Twin Adjustable Saddle Stool from Kanewell provides a comfortable split-saddle seat with the added benefit of width and angle adjustment for a personalized fit. This seat is well-suited for use in active office environments, at raised counters or elevated workstations, or anywhere an individual needs to be able to move into close proximity to the work zone—such as dental, medical, or veterinary practices. The upright posture provided by the saddle-seating encourages better back posture, provides a much greater range of movement than that available from traditional seats, and enables virtually effortless movement about a workspace. The split-saddle is designed to reduce pressure points and improve airflow for a cooler and more comfortable experience, especially during longer periods of concentrated work. The Kanewell Twin Adjustable Saddle Stool has a slightly narrower profile than similar split saddles, a feature that may offer greater comfort to those with larger thighs. Kanewell Adjustable Twin Saddle Stools are well-cushioned to offer comfort even to individuals who may have a more pronounced bone structure.

The Twin Adjustable Saddle Stool in Vinyl from Kanewell features a thick layer of polyurethane foam which creates a firm but cushioned seating surface. Quality Vinyl upholstery provides a highly durable and easily cleanable surface. Unlike Leather and Polyurethane surfaces that are permeable and therefore less easily cleaned, Vinyl is waterproof and resistant to most common cleaners and disinfectant formulations, making it an ideal solution for environments where cleaning or disinfecting may be necessary. Large diameter casters offer smooth movement about the workspace. All three heights of the Kanewell are avaialble in Black Vinyl, with the Medium Cylinder version now also available in Teal or Wine (while supplies last).

The seat halves are adjustable for separation and angle of splay, and the seat as a whole can be tilted downward in the front as desired. With three models available, each offering a different height range, there is a Kanewell Adjustable Twin Saddle Stool in Vinyl to accommodate individuals ranging from 4'4" up to well over 6'. For those whose body dimensions are average proportions the suggested height ranges will work well in making a model selection. However, if an individual happens to have shorter or longer than average leg length for their height that difference in leg length needs to be taken into consideration and may require selection of a shorter or taller model if their height is close to the upper or lower end of a range. Although backrests are not generally recommended with Saddle Seats there are some circumstances where a backrest may be desired. The Kanewell Twin Adjustable Saddle Chair with Articulating Backrest combines all of the benefits of the Kanewell Saddles with the added feature of an adjustable backrest.

Optional accessories include the 360° Arm Accessory, an adjustable and repositionable Arm/Body/Elbow support that can be of value in any situation where an individual is required to lean away from an upright position for any length of time, such as in a dental office. The Footring Accessory option can be used to provide stability and comfortable support when the chair is elevated above standard heights (the height of the footring is adjustable independently of the height of the chair) and there are optional fixed glides to replace the casters if chair movement is undesirable.
Note: The Vinyl version of the Kanewell Saddle Stool is equipped with a cast aluminum base as shown in the image gallery, not the chromed steel base shown in the 3-D Virtual Interactive Product.

Le Twin Adjustable Saddle Stool de Kanewell offre un siège selle confortablement divisés en deux parties avec avantage d'ajustement personnalisé de largeur et d'angle. Le Twin Adjustable Saddle Stool est idéal pour l'usage dans les environnements de bureau dans lequel être actif est désiré, aux comptoirs ou postes de travail soulevés, ou n'importe où qui nécessite être en proche proximiter de l'espace de travail--comme dentiste, médicaux, ou vétérinaire. Le posture vertical offert par le siège selle encourage la posture positive, et offre une gamme de mouvements plus grande que les sièges traditionelles, et permet le mouvement sans éffort dans l'espace de travail. Le siège selle divisé en deux parties est conçu pour éliminer les points de pressions et améliore l'écoulement pour une expérience plus confortable et plus fraîches, particulièrement durant des longues périodes de travail concentré. Le Kanewell Twin Adjustable Saddle Stool a un profil un peu étroit qu'autre sièges selle semblable, une caractéristique qui peut offrire un meilleur confort pour les gens qui ont des plus grandes cuisses. Une autre différence importante est le degrée de rembourrage qui fait le Kanewell Adjustable Twin Saddle Stool encore plus confortable pour les gens qui peuvent avoir une structure osseuse plus prononcée.

Le Twin Adjustable Saddle Stool en Vinyle de Kanewell est rembourrer avec une couche épaisse à la mousse de polyuréthanne qui crée une surface d'assis solide mais aussi coussiner. Le Vinyle de bon qualité fournit une surface très durable et facile à nettoyer. Contrairement aux surfaces en Cuir et en Polyuréthane qui sont perméables et donc moins faciles à nettoyer, le Vinyle est imperméable et résistant aux produits nettoyants et désinfectants les plus courants. Ce qui en fait une solution idéale pour les environnements où un nettoyage ou une désinfection peut être nécessaire. Les roulettes à grande diamètre offre le mouvement lisse à travers l'espace de travail. Les trois hauteurs du Kanewell sont disponibles en Vinyle Noir, et la version Cylindrique Moyenne est également disponible en couleurs Teal ou Wine (jusqu'à l'épuisement des stocks).

Les deux moitiés du siège sont ajustable pour la séparation et l'angle ébrasé, et le siège dans sont entier peut être incliner vers le bas si désirer. Avec trois modèles, chacun qui offre différente gamme d'hauteur, il y a le Kanewell Adjustable Twin Saddle Stool en Vinyle pour accueillir des personnes de 4'4po à bien plus de 6'. Pour les personnes dont les dimensions corporelles sont des proportions moyennes, la gamme de taille suggérées seront utiles pour choisir un modèle. Toutefois, si un individu a une longueur de jambe plus courte ou plus longue que la moyenne pour sa taille, cette différence de longueur de jambe doit être prise en considération et peut nécessiter la sélection d`un modèle plus court ou plus grand si sa taille est proche de l'extrémité supérieure ou inférieure de la gamme. Bien que les dossiers ne soient généralement pas recommandés avec les Sièges de Selle, il existe certaines circonstances où un dossier peut être souhaitable. Le Kanewell Twin Adjustable Saddle Chair with Articulating Backrest combine tous les avantages des Kanewell Saddles avec la caractéristique supplémentaire d'un dossier ajustable.

Les accessoires optionnels comprennent le 360° Arm Accessory, un support bras/corps/coude réglable et repositionnable qui peut être utile dans toute situation pour se pencher en avant pendant un certain temps, par exemple dans les bureaux dentaire. Le Footring Accessory (repose pieds en forme d'anneau) peut offrire la stabiliter et le support confortable quand la chaise est élever au-dessus des hauteurs standard (la hauteur du footring est ajustable en hauteur indépendant de la chaise). Si le mouvement de la chaise n'est pas voulu, l'accessoire optionnel des fixed glides (patins solide pour replacer les roulettes) sont disponible.

Veuillez noter: La version Vinyle du Kanewell Saddle Stool est équipée d'une base en aluminium moulé, et non de la base en acier chromé présentée dans le produit interactif virtuel en 3D.

Model #DescriptionPriceIn Stock?Buy Now
901SNV-1Kanewell Twin Adjustable Saddle Stool, Black Vinyl Upholstery, Pneumatic Lift, Short - Recommended User Height: 4'4" to 5'5"$295.00Yes
901SNV-2F-AB-2Kanewell Twin Adjustable Saddle Stool, Black Vinyl Upholstery, Pneumatic Lift, Medium - Recommended User Height: 4'7" to 6'1"$310.00Yes
901SNV-3Kanewell Twin Adjustable Saddle Stool, Black Vinyl Upholstery, Pneumatic Lift, Tall - Recommended User Height: 5'7" and Over$295.00Yes
901SNV-2F-AB-2-TEALKanewell Twin Adjustable Saddle Stool, Teal Vinyl Upholstery, Pneumatic Lift, Medium - Recommended User Height: 4'7" to 6'1"$305.00Yes
901SNV-2F-AB-2-WINEKanewell Twin Adjustable Saddle Stool, Wine Vinyl Upholstery, Pneumatic Lift, Medium - Recommended User Height: 4'7" to 6'1"$305.00Yes
Model #DescriptionPriceIn Stock?Buy Now
901-360ARM-MED Kanewell 360° Arm Accessory, Black Vinyl, Medium Cylinder$90.00 Yes
901-360ARM-TALL Kanewell 360° Arm Accessory, Black Vinyl, Tall Cylinder$95.00 Yes
901SN-2-BACK-ACC Kanewell Back Accessory Kit for 2F Mech Saddle Chairs, Black Leather upholstery$120.00 Yes
DK-3 Kanewell Footring Accessory for 901 Series Seats, chrome steel, 18.1" diameter$45.00 Yes
901-GLIDE-SET-5 Kanewell Glide Accessory for 901 Series Seats (converts Kanewell Seats for stationary use, permits chair to glide when not loaded (Note: Price is for a complete set of 5 for a Kanewell Seat).$17.50 Yes

Back App Ergonomic Chair

by Back App

The Back App Ergonomic Chair from Back App was created to gently exercise the core muscles from a seated position. The unique design, featuring Back App's "Magic Ball", puts the chair into a state of slight but constant (but tip-proof) imbalance. Wit ...

The Back App Ergonomic Chair from Back App was created to gently exercise the core muscles from a seated position. The unique design, featuring Back App's "Magic Ball", puts the chair into a state of slight but constant (but tip-proof) imbalance. With the ball serving as a central balance point, the Back App Chair shifts with every movement made, requiring a constant yet almost imperceptible degree of engagement of the core muscles in order to continuously reorient and maintain balance. The degree to which the seat shifts can be adjusted using the Magic Ball. The ball can also be fully retracted to create a rigid base if desired. A rubber bumper pad underneath the aluminum base acts as a cushion to ensure smooth transitions of movement as well as serving to protect flooring.

The seat is styled as a saddle, is heavily cushioned, and features a rear bolster to encourage the forward tilt of the pelvis that brings the spine into proper alignment. For those who must be able to move freely around a work space, the optional wheeled base provides that freedom, with the BackApp Chair retaining the full range of rocking movement.

The Back App is available in several upholstery options. Premium Alcantara artificial suede offers superior durability with breathability, Grey Nordic Wool fabric also offers breathability at a more economical cost, and Black Leatherette is available where cleaning may be required.

Note: The Back App Ergonomic Chair provides a greater elevation than traditional office seating does. As a result, the Back App Chair will be most successfully deployed at an elevated desk or at an adjustable height workstation. The taller an individual is the more important this factor will be.

Le Back App Ergonomic Chair de Back App était conçu pour exercer doucement les muscles abdominaux en position assis. La conception unique, avec la caractéristique du "Magic Ball" de Back App, met la chaise dans une instabilité léger mais constante, et protection contre le basculement. La ball dans le centre permet le Back App Chair de ce déplacé à chaque fois que l`utilisateur bouge. L`utilisateur doit garder un degré de stimulation de muscles abdominaux constante, mais imperceptible, pour remêtre et retenir la balance. Le degré du déplacement de la chaise peut être ajustable avec le Magic Ball. La ball peut être ajuster jusqu`à ce qu`elle ne touche pas le plancher pour avoir une base plus rigide si désirer. Une bordure en caoutchouc dessous la base aluminum agis comme un coussin pour assurer la transition facile de mouvement aussi que protéger le plancher.

Le siège est de type selle, est extrêmement rembourer, avec un soutien entourer pour encourager le bassin d`avoir une pente devant qui apporte la colonne vertébrale dans une propre alignement. Une base à roulette optionnel est disponible pour ceux qui à besoin l`abiliter de changer d`espace de travail. (Le BackApp Chair garde la gamme complète du mouvement de balancement quand le siège est sur la base à roulette.)

La qualitée supérieure du matériel Alcantara simili suède couvrant le siège offre une surface sécure pour l`assis aussi que respirable pour le confort.

Veuillez noter: Le Back App Ergonomic Chair augemente la hauteur de l`utilisateur beaucoup plus haut que les chaises de bureau standard. En fait, le Back App Chair fonctionne bien avec un bureau élever ou un poste de travail ajustable en hauteur.

Model #DescriptionPriceIn Stock?Buy Now
1008A-S-0-3096Back App Ergonomic Chair, Red Alcantara Fabric$855.00Yes
1008A-S-0-6503Back App Ergonomic Chair, Blue Alcantara Fabric CALL. $855.00No
1008A-S-0-6422Back App Ergonomic Chair, Anthracite Alcantara Fabric CALL. $855.00No
1005A-S-0Back App Ergonomic Chair, Black Leatherette$805.00Yes
1008A-S-0-9400Back App Ergonomic Chair, Black Alcantara Fabric CALL. $855.00No
1010A-S-0Back App Ergonomic Chair, Grey Nordic Wool Fabric CALL. $775.00No
Model #DescriptionPriceIn Stock?Buy Now
7300-AM Back App Accessory Wheel Set and Base $252.50 Yes

GIGCHR Foldable Perching Seat

by ErgoVerse

The GIGCHR Foldable Perching Seat from ErgoVerse is a temporary, foldable seating solution suitable for a wide range of applications. Designed for portability and weighing only 18.7 lbs, the GIGCHR enables musicians, public speakers and others to eas ...

The GIGCHR Foldable Perching Seat from ErgoVerse is a temporary, foldable seating solution suitable for a wide range of applications. Designed for portability and weighing only 18.7 lbs, the GIGCHR enables musicians, public speakers and others to easily transport the chair between venues or job sites. The chair offers a seat height adjustment range from 21.25" to 35.4" and an ample back height adjustment range, so support can be positioned to provide optimum benefit. The GIGCHR features durable rectangular tube steel construction rated to 264 lbs., simple folding hinges, and easy handwheel adjustment of the seat, back and footrest heights. The seat and back of the GIGCHR are padded for comfort and upholstered in black imitation leather for easy cleaning.

The built-in height-adjustable footrest provides support for when the seat is raised to greater elevations, and is easily folded out of the way when not desired or for storage and transport.

Optional accessories include a guitar stand and a beverage holder.

Model #DescriptionPriceIn Stock?Buy Now
GPS-F-11153GIGCHR Foldable Perching Seat, Black.$380.00Yes
Model #DescriptionPriceIn Stock?Buy Now
90001 Mey Chair Systems Guitar Stand Accessory (only compatible with AF-S models) (GS-200) This accessory requires the Double Adapter Accessory Mount (Model 90007)$95.00 Yes
90006 Mey Chair Systems Beverage Holder Accessory (only compatible with AF-S models) (GH-200) ) This accessory requires the Double Adapter Accessory Mount (Model 90007)$25.00 Yes
90007 Mey Chair Systems Double Adapter Accessory Mount (only compatible with AF-S models) (GS-201) (Note: This accessory is necessary for mounting the 90001 Guitar Stand or the 90006 Beverage Holder)$20.00 Yes

MVMNT Foldable Perching Saddle Seat

by ErgoVerse

The MVMNT Foldable Perching Saddle Seat from ErgoVerse is a non-swiveling, folding saddle seat designed for smaller or average sized individuals working at standard or elevated workstations.

The saddle design keeps the toes either in line with ...

The MVMNT Foldable Perching Saddle Seat from ErgoVerse is a non-swiveling, folding saddle seat designed for smaller or average sized individuals working at standard or elevated workstations.

The saddle design keeps the toes either in line with the knees (which are splayed and drawn back toward the hips), or even further back - below the hips, rather than extended forward of the knees as they would be on a leaning stool. This makes it possible to work at surfaces built on top of base cabinets or shelves, something that is not possible with traditional chairs (where the knees are too far forward) or leaning/perching seats (where the feet and knees are too far forward). The MVMNT also keeps the torso in an ergonomically desirable upright position, while at the same time providing stability and reducing the need to bend forward from the waist. This posture is especially beneficial when fine control is needed or when greater effort must be exerted. The small back rest offers temporary support for those who like to lean back occasionally to rest their back.

The height of the seat can be adjusted from 20.9" high to 30.7" high. The height of the back rest adjusts independently so individuals are able to position support where it is most needed. The seat and back rest are both padded for comfort and upholstered in black imitation leather for easy cleaning. The MVMNT features a foldaway, adjustable-height, foot-bar to provide a secure base of support when the chair is elevated too high for foot-to-floor contact.

The MVMNT features simple folding hinges, and easy handwheel adjustment of seat, back and footrest heights. The MVMNT is built on a sturdy, rectangular tube steel base that is rated to 264 lbs. Weighing only 18.7 lbs in total, the MVMNT can also be easily transported between venues or job sites.

Model #DescriptionPriceIn Stock?Buy Now
MPSS-F-11171MVMNT Foldable Perching Saddle Seat.$405.00Yes
Model #DescriptionPriceIn Stock?Buy Now
GPS-ACC-90001 ErgoVerse GIGCHR Guitar Stand Accessory - This accessory requires the Double Adapter Accessory Mount (Model GPS-ACC-90007)$95.00 Yes
GPS-ACC-90006 ErgoVerse GIGCHR Beverage Holder Accessory - This accessory requires the Double Adapter Accessory Mount (Model GPS-ACC-90007)$25.00 Yes
GPS-ACC-90007 ErgoVerse GIGCHR Double Adapter Accessory Mount (Note: This accessory is necessary for mounting the GPS-ACC-90001 Guitar Stand or the GPS-ACC-90006 Beverage Holder)$20.00 Yes

Kanewell Twin Adjustable Saddle Stool in Leather

by Kanewell

The Twin Adjustable Saddle Stool from Kanewell offers a comfortable split-saddle seat with the added benefit of width and angle adjustment for a personalized fit. The Twin Adjustable Saddle Stool is well-suited for use in active office environments, ...

The Twin Adjustable Saddle Stool from Kanewell offers a comfortable split-saddle seat with the added benefit of width and angle adjustment for a personalized fit. The Twin Adjustable Saddle Stool is well-suited for use in active office environments, at raised counters or elevated workstations, or anywhere there is a need to be able to move into close proximity to the working area—such as dental, medical, or veterinary practices. The upright posture provided by the saddle-seating encourages better back posture, provides a much greater range of movement than that available from traditional seats, and enables virtually effortless movement about a workspace. The split-saddle is designed to reduce pressure points and improve airflow for a cooler and more comfortable experience, especially during longer periods of concentrated work. The Kanewell Twin Adjustable Saddle Stool has a slightly narrower profile than similar split saddles, a feature that might offer greater comfort to those with larger thighs. Another key difference is the degree of padding that makes the Kanewell Adjustable Twin Saddle Stool more forgiving for those whose body contours do not match the contours of the saddle foundation.

The Adjustable Twin Saddle Stool from Kanewell features a thick layer of polyurethane foam which creates a firm but cushioned seating surface. Genuine top-grain leather provides a flexible and breathable surface and large diameter casters offer smooth movement throughout the workspace. Those who desire greater durability or who may need to clean or disinfect their seat on a regular basis may be interested in the Vinyl version which is waterproof and resistive to most common cleaners and disinfectant formulations.

The two halves of the seat are adjustable for separation and angle of splay, and the seat as a whole can be tilted downward if desired. Three height ranges are available to allow most people to select the most practical range for their build. Although backrests are not generally recommended with Saddle Seats there are some circumstances where a backrest may be desired. The Kanewell Twin Adjustable Saddle Chair with Articulating Backrest combines all of the benefits of the Kanewell Saddles with the added feature of an adjustable backrest.

Optional accessories include the 360° Arm Accessory, an adjustable and repositionable Arm/Body/Elbow support that can be of value in any situation where there is a need to lean forward or to the side away from an upright position for any length of time, such as in a dental office. The Footring Accessory option can be used to provide stability and comfort support when the chair is elevated above standard heights (the height of the footring is adjustable independently of the height of the chair) and there are optional fixed glides to replace the casters if chair movement is undesirable.

Le Twin Adjustable Saddle Stool de Kanewell offre un siège selle confortablement divisés en deux parties avec avantage d'ajustement personnalisé de largeur et d'angle. Le Twin Adjustable Saddle Stool est idéal pour l'usage dans les environnements de bureau dans lequel être actif est désiré, aux comptoirs ou postes de travail soulevés, ou n'importe où qui nécessite être en proche proximiter de l'espace de travail--comme dentiste, médicaux, ou vétérinaire. Le posture vertical offert par le siège selle encourage la posture positive, et offre une gamme de mouvements plus grande que les sièges traditionelles, et permet le mouvement sans éffort dans l'espace de travail. Le siège selle divisé en deux parties est conçu pour éliminer les points de pressions et améliore l'écoulement pour une expérience plus confortable et plus fraîches, particulièrement durant des longues périodes de travail concentré. Le Kanewell Twin Adjustable Saddle Stool a un profil un peu étroit qu'autre sièges selle semblable, une caractéristique qui peut offrire un meilleur confort pour les gens qui ont des plus grandes cuisses. Une autre différence importante est le degrée de rembourrage qui fait le Kanewell Adjustable Twin Saddle Stool encore plus confortable pour les gens qui peuvent avoir une structure osseuse plus prononcée.

Le Adjustable Twin Saddle Stool de Kanewell est rembourrer avec une couche épaisse à la mousse de polyuréthanne qui crée une surface d'assis solide mais aussi coussiner. Fait de cuire véritable de haute qualiter de grain, il offre une surface respirante et flexible aussi qu'avec des roulettes à grande diamètre pour offrire le mouvement lisse à travers l'espace de travail. Les gens qui souhaitent une plus grande durabilité ou qui peuvent avoir besoin de nettoyer ou de désinfecter leur siège régulièrement peuvent être intéressés par le modèle Vinyle, qui est imperméable et résistant aux produits nettoyants et désinfectants les plus courants.

Les deux moitiés du siège sont ajustable pour la séparation et l'angle ébrasé, et le siège dans sont entier peut être incliner vers le bas si désirer. Trois modèles, chacun qui offre différente gamme d'hauteur, sont disponible pour permettre les gens de toutes tailles de faire sélection pour leur propre hauteur. Bien que les dossiers ne soient généralement pas recommandés avec les Sièges de Selle, il existe certaines circonstances où un dossier peut être souhaitable. Le Kanewell Twin Adjustable Saddle Chair with Articulating Backrest combine tous les avantages des Kanewell Saddles avec la caractéristique supplémentaire d'un dossier ajustable.

Les accessoires optionnels comprennent le 360° Arm Accessory, un support bras/corps/coude réglable et repositionnable qui peut être utile dans toute situation pour se pencher en avant pendant un certain temps, par exemple dans les bureaux dentaire. Le Footring Accessory (repose pieds en forme d'anneau) peut offrire la stabiliter et le support confortable quand la chaise est élever au-dessus des hauteurs standard (la hauteur du footring est ajustable en hauteur indépendant de la chaise). Si le mouvement de la chaise n'est pas voulu, l'accessoire optionnel des fixed glides (patins solide pour replacer les roulettes) sont disponible.

Model #DescriptionPriceIn Stock?Buy Now
901SNL-2F-AB-1Kanewell Twin Adjustable Saddle Stool, Black Leather Upholstery, Pneumatic Lift, Short - Recommended User Height: 4'4" to 5'5" Replaces Model: 901SNL-1$325.00Yes
901SNL-2F-AB-2Kanewell Twin Adjustable Saddle Stool, Black Leather Upholstery, Pneumatic Lift, Medium - Recommended User Height: 4'7" to 6'1" Replaces Model: 901SNL-2$325.00Yes
901SNL-2F-AB-3Kanewell Twin Adjustable Saddle Stool, Black Leather Upholstery, Pneumatic Lift, Tall - Recommended User Height: 5'7" and Over Replaces Model: 901SNL-3$325.00Yes
Model #DescriptionPriceIn Stock?Buy Now
901-360ARM-MED Kanewell 360° Arm Accessory, Black Vinyl, Medium Cylinder$90.00 Yes
901-360ARM-TALL Kanewell 360° Arm Accessory, Black Vinyl, Tall Cylinder$95.00 Yes
901SN-2-BACK-ACC Kanewell Back Accessory Kit for 2F Mech Saddle Chairs, Black Leather upholstery$120.00 Yes
DK-3 Kanewell Footring Accessory for 901 Series Seats, chrome steel, 18.1" diameter$45.00 Yes
901-GLIDE-SET-5 Kanewell Glide Accessory for 901 Series Seats (converts Kanewell Seats for stationary use, permits chair to glide when not loaded (Note: Price is for a complete set of 5 for a Kanewell Seat).$17.50 Yes

Kanewell Twin Adjustable Saddle Chair with Articulating Backrest

by Kanewell

The Kanewell Twin Adjustable Saddle Chair with Articulating Backrest provides a comfortable split-saddle seat with the added benefit of width and angle adjustment for a personalized fit. The large, generously padded, articulating backrest provides cu ...

The Kanewell Twin Adjustable Saddle Chair with Articulating Backrest provides a comfortable split-saddle seat with the added benefit of width and angle adjustment for a personalized fit. The large, generously padded, articulating backrest provides customizable support for those situations where a backrest may be desired*.

Saddle seats are well-suited for use in active office environments, at raised counters, elevated workstations, or anywhere there is a need to be able to move into close proximity to the working area—such as dental, medical, or veterinary practices. The upright posture provided by the saddle-seating encourages better back posture, provides a much greater range of movement than that available from traditional seats, and enables virtually effortless movement about a workspace. The split-saddle is designed to reduce pressure points and improve airflow for a cooler and more comfortable experience, especially during longer periods of concentrated work. The Kanewell Twin Adjustable Saddle Chair with Articulating Backrest has a slightly narrower profile than similar split saddles, a feature that might offer greater comfort to those with larger thighs. Another key difference is the degree of padding that makes the Kanewell Saddle seats more forgiving for those whose body contours do not match those of the saddle foundation.

The two halves of the seat are adjustable for separation, angle of splay, and in addition the seat as a whole can be tilted downward if desired. The backrest is adjustable in both height and angle, while tilting to align itself to the back. The seats are also available in three height ranges to allow most people to select the most practical range for their build. Large diameter (60 mm) casters offer smooth movement throughout the workspace. Optional accessories include a footring to provide stability and comfort support when the chair is elevated (the height of the footring is adjustable independently of the height of the chair), and fixed glides as an alternative to the casters.

The Kanewell Twin Adjustable Saddle Chair with Articulating Backrest is available with either genuine top-grain leather that provides a flexible and breathable surface or high grade Vinyl that is waterproof and resistant to most common cleaners and disinfectant formulations.

* Note: Saddle seats are not typically promoted with back rests as the saddle stance naturally encourages better back posture. The addition of a back may also limit movement and reduce the ergonomic benefit of a saddle-style seat, as there can be a tendency to relax against the back, reducing the level of core muscle engagement. It is also more difficult to mount and dismount from a saddle when a backrest is present. If a backrest is not specifically needed the Kanewell Twin Adjustable Saddle Stool is available as a non-backrest version in both Leather and Vinyl.

Le Kanewell Twin Adjustable Saddle Chair with Articulating Backrest est un siège selle confortablement divisés en deux parties avec avantage d'ajustement personnalisé de largeur et d'angle. Le dossier articulé, large et généreusement rembourré, offre un soutien personnalisable pour les situations où un dossier peut être souhaité*.

Les sièges selle sont idéal pour l'usage dans les environnements de bureau dans lequel être actif est désiré, aux comptoirs ou postes de travail soulevés, ou n'importe où qui nécessite être en proche proximiter de l'espace de travail--comme dentiste, médicaux, ou vétérinaire. Le posture vertical offert par le siège selle encourage la posture positive, et offre une gamme de mouvements plus grande que les sièges traditionelles, et permet le mouvement sans éffort dans l'espace de travail. Le siège selle divisé en deux parties est conçu pour éliminer les points de pressions et améliore l'écoulement pour une expérience plus confortable et plus fraîches, particulièrement durant des longues périodes de travail concentré. Le Kanewell Twin Adjustable Saddle Chair with Articulating Backrest a un profil un peu étroit qu'autre sièges selle semblable, une caractéristique qui peut offrire un meilleur confort pour les gens qui ont des plus grandes cuisses. Une autre différence importante est le degrée de rembourrage qui fait les sièges selle de Kanewell encore plus confortable pour les gens qui peuvent avoir une structure osseuse plus prononcée.

Les deux moitiés du siège sont ajustable pour la séparation et l'angle ébrasé, et le siège dans sont entier peut être incliner vers le bas si désirer. Le dossier est ajustable en hauteur et angle, tout en s'inclinant pour s'aligner sur le dos. Les sièges sont également disponibles en trois hauteurs pour permettre à la plupart des gens de choisir la hauteur la plus pratique pour leur corps. Des roulettes de grand diamètre (60 mm) permettent de se déplacer en douceur dans l'espace de travail. Les accessoires optionnels comprennent un repose-pieds (en forme d'anneau) pour assurer la stabilité et le confort lorsque le siège est élevé (la hauteur du footring est ajustable indépendamment de la hauteur du siège), et des patins solide (fixed glides) comme option alternative aux roulettes.

Le Kanewell Twin Adjustable Saddle Chair with Articulating Backrest est disponibles en cuir véritable de haute qualité, qui offre une surface flexible et respirante, ou en vinyle de haute qualité, qui est imperméable et résistant à la plupart des nettoyants et désinfectants les plus courants.

*Veuillez noter: les Sièges en Selle ne sont généralement pas proposés avec des dossiers, car la position en selle favorise naturellement une meilleure posture du dos. En additionnant un dossier peut également limiter les mouvements et réduire l'avantage ergonomique d'un siège de type selle, car il peut y avoir une tendance à se détendre contre le dos, ce qui réduit le niveau d'engagement des muscles centraux. Il est également plus difficile de monter et de descendre d'une selle lorsqu'un dossier est présent. Si un dossier n'est pas spécifiquement nécessaire, le Kanewell Twin Adjustable Saddle Stool est disponible comme version sans dossiers en Cuir ou en Vinyle.

Model #DescriptionPriceIn Stock?Buy Now
901SBL-3F-AB-1Black Leather, Short - Recommended User Height: 4'4" to 5'5".$435.00Yes
901SBL-3F-AB-2Black Leather, Medium - Recommended User Height: 4'7" to 6'1".$435.00Yes
901SBL-3F-AB-3Black Leather, Tall - Recommended User Height: 5'7" and Over.$435.00Yes
901SBV-3F-AB-1Black Vinyl, Short - Recommended User Height: 4'4" to 5'5".$385.00Yes
901SBV-3F-AB-2Black Vinyl, Medium - Recommended User Height: 4'7" to 6'1".$385.00Yes
901SBV-3F-AB-3Black Vinyl, Tall - Recommended User Height: 5'7" and Over.$385.00Yes
Model #DescriptionPriceIn Stock?Buy Now
DK-3 Kanewell Footring Accessory for 901 Series Seats, chrome steel, 18.1" diameter$45.00 Yes
901-GLIDE-SET-5 Kanewell Glide Accessory for 901 Series Seats (converts Kanewell Seats for stationary use, permits chair to glide when not loaded (Note: Price is for a complete set of 5 for a Kanewell Seat).$17.50 Yes
901-GLIDE Kanewell Glide Accessory for 901 Series Seats (converts Kanewell Seats for stationary use, permits chair to glide when not loaded (Note: Price is for 1 unit, order 5 if you want a complete set for a Kanewell Seat).$3.50 Yes

Kanewell Twin Adjustable Saddle Chair with Backrest

by Kanewell

The Twin Adjustable Saddle Chair with Backrest from Kanewell features the same comfortable split-saddle seat as the Twin Adjustable Saddle Stools. Along with seat width and angle adjustments, however, this model adds a large, generously padded fixed ...

The Twin Adjustable Saddle Chair with Backrest from Kanewell features the same comfortable split-saddle seat as the Twin Adjustable Saddle Stools. Along with seat width and angle adjustments, however, this model adds a large, generously padded fixed backrest for users who would benefit from the security of a seat back. (See note below.)

Note:The seat back is rigidly attached to the seat and cannot be independently adjusted for height, depth, or angle. This means that the saddle cannot be tilted forward without the back forcing the user to bend forward to some degree. It also means that the back may not provide proper lumbar support for many users. Saddle seats are not typically sold with backs as the saddle stance naturally encourages better back posture. The addition of a back may also limit movement and reduce the ergonomic benefit of a saddle-style seat, as users tend to relax against the back, reducing the level of core muscle engagement.

The Adjustable Twin Saddle Chair with Backrest from Kanewell features a thick layer of polyurethane foam for a firm but cushioned seat and backrest. Genuine top-grain leather provides a flexible and breathable surface, and large diameter casters offer smooth movement throughout the workspace.

The two halves of the seat are adjustable for separation and angle of splay, and the seat as a whole can be tilted downward if desired. Three models, each offering a different height range, are available to allow users of all statures to select the most practical range for the tasks they engage in. Optional accessories include a footring to provide stability and comfort support when the chair is elevated (the height of the footring is adjustable independently of the height of the chair) and fixed glides to replace the casters.

Model #DescriptionPriceIn Stock?Buy Now
901SBL-1Kanewell Twin Adjustable Saddle Chair with Backrest, Black Leather, pneumatic lift, Short - Recommended User Height: 4'8" to 5'9".$360.00Yes
901SBL-2Kanewell Twin Adjustable Saddle Chair with Backrest, Black Leather, pneumatic lift, Medium - Recommended User Height: 4'11" to 6'4".$360.00No
901SBL-3Kanewell Twin Adjustable Saddle Chair with Backrest, Black Leather, pneumatic lift, Tall - Recommended User Height: 5'10" and Over.
Model #DescriptionPriceIn Stock?Buy Now
DK-3 Kanewell Footring Accessory for 901 Series Seats, chrome steel, 18.1" diameter$45.00 Yes
901-GLIDE Kanewell Glide Accessory for 901 Series Seats (converts Kanewell Seats for stationary use, permits chair to glide when not loaded (Note: Price is for 1 unit, order 5 if you want a complete set for a Kanewell Seat).$3.50 Yes
901-GLIDE-SET-5 Kanewell Glide Accessory for 901 Series Seats (converts Kanewell Seats for stationary use, permits chair to glide when not loaded (Note: Price is for a complete set of 5 for a Kanewell Seat).$17.50 Yes

STEPL Drafting Chair

by ErgoVerse

With a seat height range of 23.75" - 33.1", the STEPL Drafting Chair from ErgoVerse can provide those working at fixed-height elevated workstations a stable and comfortable seat. The STEPL features a wide seat and back rest, both with 2" thick paddin ...

With a seat height range of 23.75" - 33.1", the STEPL Drafting Chair from ErgoVerse can provide those working at fixed-height elevated workstations a stable and comfortable seat. The STEPL features a wide seat and back rest, both with 2" thick padding for comfort. The angles of the seat and back rest are independently adjustable, with the back rest also adjustable in height, features that let each person to position support where it is most beneficial. Seat height adjustment is via a standard gas spring lift that also provides a shock-absorbing effect.

Two footrest options are available. Models SDC-BLK-05004 and SDC-GRY-07033 are equipped with a large 22.8" diameter heavy steel foot ring that provides a convenient 360° of fixed support for the feet. Model SDC-BLK-07030 features a 120° steel footrest with an aggressively treaded surface for safety. Both foot rest options can be positioned as low as 7.5" off the floor or can also be secured at greater heights if necessary.

All models have oversized 27" diameter Brushed Aluminum bases for stability. Safety glides ensure safety when mounting and dismounting from the chair.

STEPL Drafting chairs are upholstered with supple imitation leather. Model SDC-BLACK-05004 is available in Black, SDC-BLK-07033S is available in Anthracite Grey with red accent stitching, and Model DC-GRY-07030 is available in Black, with red accent stitching.

Model #DescriptionPriceIn Stock?Buy Now
SDC-BLK-05004STEPL Drafting Chair, Black imitation leather, integrated fixed footring. regular price $930, sales price while quantities last $695 CLEARANCE. $695.00Yes
SDC-GRY-07033STEPL Drafting Chair, Anthracite Grey imitation leather, integrated fixed footring. SPECIAL ORDER ONLY. NO ETA. $950.00No
SDC-BLK-07030STEPL Drafting Chair, Black imitation leather, integrated fixed footrest. SPECIAL ORDER ONLY. NO ETA. $900.00No

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