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PUREis3 PU113 Series Chair

by Interstuhl

PURE Office Chairs from Interstuhl provide an invigorating seating experience that defies the accepted norms of traditional office seating. This innovative design incorporates movement into every minute of the day, with Smart Spring technology that l ...

PURE Office Chairs from Interstuhl provide an invigorating seating experience that defies the accepted norms of traditional office seating. This innovative design incorporates movement into every minute of the day, with Smart Spring technology that lets the seat and back rest flex and shift with each change in posture, adapting to the varying needs of each person. When describing the sensation of sitting in a PUREis3 Chair words such as "springy", "bouncy", or "resilient" will immediately come to mind but this is a chair that truly needs to be experienced. The sensation is almost as if the chair is actively increasing energy levels while still providing excellent support.

Unlike many seating options, the flexible back on the PURE Chair focuses on actively encouraging people to re-integrate movement into their workday, even while seated. PURE Chairs accomplish this by flexing, bending and twisting to follow the body's natural movements. Unlike a fixed back rest that remains facing forward at all times, the back rest on the PURE is designed to follow the body, letting individuals instinctively engage in a greater degree of motion as they move. The seat on the Interstuhl PURE is supported on the same fibreglass and polyamid Smart Spring structure as the back rest. This facilitates both forward and side-to-side flexing, providing continuous movement to the hips and lower spine, while also moving dynamically in relation to the back rest.

PURE Chairs are also unusual in that only simple adjustments are necessary - the chair takes care of the rest. Seat height ranges between 19.0" and 23.25", the back rest can lock at 90° in relation to the seat, and the 3-D T Arm Rests offer height, width, and depth adjustments. The need for other common adjustments is taken care of by the PURE design.

The most comfortable and beneficial way to use the PURE Chair is to leave the back rest unlocked to follow every movement. For situations where a more traditional posture is desired the back rest can also be locked into a fixed upright position in relation to the seat. However, even in this position the back rest retains a full range of flex and the dynamic seat movement remains unchanged, offering continuous movement.

Both models of the PUREis3 Chair have a padded seat upholstered in Black Lucia Fabric. This model, the PU113 Series, features the backrest covered in the same Black Lucia fabric with a light padding - a combination that results in a slightly higher resistance to flex in the back rest. For individuals of lighter build who are seeking to maximize the movement and flexion of the back support, the PU213 Series is noticeably more flexible as there is no upholstery to deaden or mute the movement of the frame. The mesh back not only permits the maximum degree of flex it also provides a greater degree of air flow. Both models are exceptionally comfortable.

PURE Office Chairs d'Interstuhl offrent une expérience d'assise énergisante qui défie les normes acceptées des sièges de bureau traditionnels. La conception innovante intègre le mouvement dans chaque minute de la journée, grâce à la technologie Smart Spring qui permet à l'assise et au dossier de plier et de se déplacer avec chaque changement de posture, s'adaptant ainsi aux besoins variables de chaque personne. Lorsque l'on décrit la sensation de s'asseoir dans une chaise PUREis3, des mots tels que "élastique", "rebondissant" ou "résilient" viennent immédiatement en tête. Mais c'est vraiment une chaise qui doit être vécu pour le ressentir. La sensation est presque celle d'une chaise qui augmente activement les niveaux d'énergie tout en offrant un excellent soutien.

Contrairement à de nombreuses options de siège, le dossier flexible du PURE Chair vise à encourager activement les gens à réintégrer le mouvement dans leur journée de travail, même en position assise. Les PURE Chairs y parviennent en se pliant et se tordant pour suivre les mouvements naturels du corps. Contrairement à un dossier fixe qui reste toujours tourné vers l'avant, le dossier de la chaise PURE est conçu pour suivre le corps, ce qui permet aux individus de s'engager instinctivement dans un plus grand degré de mouvement lorsqu'ils se déplacent. Le siège sur le Pure d'Interstuhl est soutenue par la même structure Smart Spring en fibre de verre et polyamide que le dossier. Cela facilite la flexion vers l'avant et d'un côté à l'autre, offrant un mouvement continu aux hanches et au bas de la colonne vertébrale, tout en se déplaçant de manière dynamique par rapport au dossier.

Les chaises PURE sont également inhabituelles dans la mesure où seuls des ajustements simples sont nécessaires - la chaise s'occupe du reste. La hauteur de l'assise varie entre 19po et 23.25po, le dossier peut se verrouiller à 90° par rapport à l'assise et les accoudoirs en 3-D T sont ajustable en hauteur, largeur et profondeur. Les autres ajustements communs sont tenu compte par la conception PURE.

La façon la plus confortable et la plus bénéfique d'utiliser la chaise PURE est de laisser le dossier déverrouillé pour suivre chaque mouvement. Pour les situations où une posture plus traditionnelle est souhaitée, le dossier peut également être verrouillé dans une position verticale fixe par rapport au siège. Cependant, même dans cette position, le dossier conserve toute sa souplesse et le mouvement dynamique de l'assise reste inchangé, offrant ainsi un mouvement continu.

Les deux modèles de la PUREis3 Chair sont dotés d'une assise rembourrée, revêtue de tissu Black Lucia. Ce modèle, la série PU113, présente un dossier recouvert du même tissu Black Lucia avec un léger rembourrage - une combinaison qui se traduit par une résistance légèrement supérieure à la flexion du dossier. Pour les personnes plus léger qui cherchent à maximiser le mouvement et la flexion du support dossier, le PU213 Series est beaucoup plus flexible, car il n'y a pas de rembourrage pour atténuer le mouvement de la structure. Le dossier en mesh permet non seulement un degré de flexion maximal, mais aussi une meilleure circulation de l'air. Les deux modèles sont exceptionnellement confortables.

Model #DescriptionPriceIn Stock?Buy Now
10425565Interstuhl PUREis3 PU113 Series Chair, Black Lucia 58 Upholstered Back, Black Lucia 58 Fabric Seat$1030.00Yes

Back App Ergonomic Chair

by Back App

The Back App Ergonomic Chair from Back App was created to gently exercise the core muscles from a seated position. The unique design, featuring Back App's "Magic Ball", puts the chair into a state of slight but constant (but tip-proof) imbalance. Wit ...

The Back App Ergonomic Chair from Back App was created to gently exercise the core muscles from a seated position. The unique design, featuring Back App's "Magic Ball", puts the chair into a state of slight but constant (but tip-proof) imbalance. With the ball serving as a central balance point, the Back App Chair shifts with every movement made, requiring a constant yet almost imperceptible degree of engagement of the core muscles in order to continuously reorient and maintain balance. The degree to which the seat shifts can be adjusted using the Magic Ball. The ball can also be fully retracted to create a rigid base if desired. A rubber bumper pad underneath the aluminum base acts as a cushion to ensure smooth transitions of movement as well as serving to protect flooring.

The seat is styled as a saddle, is heavily cushioned, and features a rear bolster to encourage the forward tilt of the pelvis that brings the spine into proper alignment. For those who must be able to move freely around a work space, the optional wheeled base provides that freedom, with the BackApp Chair retaining the full range of rocking movement.

The Back App is available in several upholstery options. Premium Alcantara artificial suede offers superior durability with breathability, Grey Nordic Wool fabric also offers breathability at a more economical cost, and Black Leatherette is available where cleaning may be required.

Note: The Back App Ergonomic Chair provides a greater elevation than traditional office seating does. As a result, the Back App Chair will be most successfully deployed at an elevated desk or at an adjustable height workstation. The taller an individual is the more important this factor will be.

Le Back App Ergonomic Chair de Back App était conçu pour exercer doucement les muscles abdominaux en position assis. La conception unique, avec la caractéristique du "Magic Ball" de Back App, met la chaise dans une instabilité léger mais constante, et protection contre le basculement. La ball dans le centre permet le Back App Chair de ce déplacé à chaque fois que l`utilisateur bouge. L`utilisateur doit garder un degré de stimulation de muscles abdominaux constante, mais imperceptible, pour remêtre et retenir la balance. Le degré du déplacement de la chaise peut être ajustable avec le Magic Ball. La ball peut être ajuster jusqu`à ce qu`elle ne touche pas le plancher pour avoir une base plus rigide si désirer. Une bordure en caoutchouc dessous la base aluminum agis comme un coussin pour assurer la transition facile de mouvement aussi que protéger le plancher.

Le siège est de type selle, est extrêmement rembourer, avec un soutien entourer pour encourager le bassin d`avoir une pente devant qui apporte la colonne vertébrale dans une propre alignement. Une base à roulette optionnel est disponible pour ceux qui à besoin l`abiliter de changer d`espace de travail. (Le BackApp Chair garde la gamme complète du mouvement de balancement quand le siège est sur la base à roulette.)

La qualitée supérieure du matériel Alcantara simili suède couvrant le siège offre une surface sécure pour l`assis aussi que respirable pour le confort.

Veuillez noter: Le Back App Ergonomic Chair augemente la hauteur de l`utilisateur beaucoup plus haut que les chaises de bureau standard. En fait, le Back App Chair fonctionne bien avec un bureau élever ou un poste de travail ajustable en hauteur.

Model #DescriptionPriceIn Stock?Buy Now
1008A-S-0-3096Back App Ergonomic Chair, Red Alcantara Fabric$855.00Yes
1008A-S-0-6503Back App Ergonomic Chair, Blue Alcantara Fabric CALL. $855.00No
1008A-S-0-6422Back App Ergonomic Chair, Anthracite Alcantara Fabric CALL. $855.00No
1005A-S-0Back App Ergonomic Chair, Black Leatherette$805.00Yes
1008A-S-0-9400Back App Ergonomic Chair, Black Alcantara Fabric CALL. $855.00No
1010A-S-0Back App Ergonomic Chair, Grey Nordic Wool Fabric CALL. $775.00No
Model #DescriptionPriceIn Stock?Buy Now
7300-AM Back App Accessory Wheel Set and Base $252.50 Yes

PUREis3 PU213 Series Chair

by Interstuhl

PURE Office Chairs from Interstuhl provide an invigorating seating experience that defies the accepted norms of traditional office seating. This innovative design incorporates movement into every minute of the day, with Smart Spring technology that l ...

PURE Office Chairs from Interstuhl provide an invigorating seating experience that defies the accepted norms of traditional office seating. This innovative design incorporates movement into every minute of the day, with Smart Spring technology that lets the seat and back rest flex and shift with each change in posture, adapting to the varying needs of each person. When describing the sensation of sitting in a PUREis3 Chair words such as "springy", "bouncy", or "resilient" will immediately come to mind but this is a chair that truly needs to be experienced. The sensation is almost as if the chair is actively increasing energy levels while still providing excellent support.

Unlike many seating options, the flexible back on the PURE Chair focuses on actively encouraging people to re-integrate movement into their workday, even while seated. PURE Chairs accomplish this by flexing, bending and twisting to follow the body's natural movements. Unlike a fixed back rest that remains facing forward at all times, the back rest on the PURE is designed to follow the body, letting individuals instinctively engage in a greater degree of motion as they move. The seat on the Interstuhl PURE is supported on the same fibreglass and polyamid Smart Spring structure as the back rest. This facilitates both forward and side-to-side flexing, providing continuous movement to the hips and lower spine, while also moving dynamically in relation to the back rest.

PURE Chairs are also unusual in that only simple adjustments are necessary - the chair takes care of the rest. Seat height ranges between 19.0" and 23.25", the back rest can lock at 90° in relation to the seat, and the 3-D T Arm Rests offer height, width, and depth adjustments. The need for other common adjustments is taken care of by the PURE design.

The most comfortable and beneficial way to use the PURE Chair is to leave the back rest unlocked to follow every movement. For situations where a more traditional posture is desired the back rest can also be locked into a fixed upright position in relation to the seat. However, even in this position the back rest retains a full range of flex and the dynamic seat movement remains unchanged, offering continuous movement.

Both models of the PUREis3 Chair have a padded seat upholstered in Black Lucia Fabric. This model, the PU213 Series, features an open mesh back that permits the maximum degree of flex as well as a greater degree of air flow. The other model, the PU113 Series, has the back rest covered in Black Lucia fabric with a light padding - a combination that results in a slightly higher resistance to flex in the back rest. Both models are exceptionally comfortable.

PURE Office Chairs d'Interstuhl offrent une expérience d'assise énergisante qui défie les normes acceptées des sièges de bureau traditionnels. La conception innovante intègre le mouvement dans chaque minute de la journée, grâce à la technologie Smart Spring qui permet à l'assise et au dossier de plier et de se déplacer avec chaque changement de posture, s'adaptant ainsi aux besoins variables de chaque personne. Lorsque l'on décrit la sensation de s'asseoir dans une chaise PUREis3, des mots tels que "élastique", "rebondissant" ou "résilient" viennent immédiatement en tête. Mais c'est vraiment une chaise qui doit être vécu pour le ressentir. La sensation est presque celle d'une chaise qui augmente activement les niveaux d'énergie tout en offrant un excellent soutien.

Contrairement à de nombreuses options de siège, le dossier flexible du PURE Chair vise à encourager activement les gens à réintégrer le mouvement dans leur journée de travail, même en position assise. Les PURE Chairs y parviennent en se pliant et se tordant pour suivre les mouvements naturels du corps. Contrairement à un dossier fixe qui reste toujours tourné vers l'avant, le dossier de la chaise PURE est conçu pour suivre le corps, ce qui permet aux individus de s'engager instinctivement dans un plus grand degré de mouvement lorsqu'ils se déplacent. Le siège sur le Pure d'Interstuhl est soutenue par la même structure Smart Spring en fibre de verre et polyamide que le dossier. Cela facilite la flexion vers l'avant et d'un côté à l'autre, offrant un mouvement continu aux hanches et au bas de la colonne vertébrale, tout en se déplaçant de manière dynamique par rapport au dossier.

Les chaises PURE sont également inhabituelles dans la mesure où seuls des ajustements simples sont nécessaires - la chaise s'occupe du reste. La hauteur de l'assise varie entre 19po et 23.25po, le dossier peut se verrouiller à 90° par rapport à l'assise et les accoudoirs en 3-D T sont ajustable en hauteur, largeur et profondeur. Les autres ajustements communs sont tenu compte par la conception PURE.

La façon la plus confortable et la plus bénéfique d'utiliser la chaise PURE est de laisser le dossier déverrouillé pour suivre chaque mouvement. Pour les situations où une posture plus traditionnelle est souhaitée, le dossier peut également être verrouillé dans une position verticale fixe par rapport au siège. Cependant, même dans cette position, le dossier conserve toute sa souplesse et le mouvement dynamique de l'assise reste inchangé, offrant ainsi un mouvement continu.

Les deux modèles de la PUREis3 Chair sont dotés d'une assise rembourrée, revêtue de tissu Black Lucia. Ce modèle, la série PU213, présente un dossier en matériau à maille ouverte, ce qui permet une meilleure circulation de l'air, aussi qu'une flexibilité maximale. L'autre modèle, le PU113 Series , présente un dossier recouvert de tissu Black Lucia avec un léger rembourrage - une combinaison qui se traduit par une résistance légèrement supérieure à la flexion du dossier. Les deux modèles sont exceptionnellement confortables.

Model #DescriptionPriceIn Stock?Buy Now
10429858Interstuhl PUREis3 PU213 Series Chair, Anthracite Mesh Back, Black Lucia 58 Fabric Seat$980.00Yes

Polo Saddle Seat

by Score

Polo Saddle Seats from Score combine the comfort and ergonomics of a saddle seat with the concept of "active seating". The design permits 5° of pivoting movement in all directions through a pivot point integrated into the base. Unlike some other ...

Polo Saddle Seats from Score combine the comfort and ergonomics of a saddle seat with the concept of "active seating". The design permits 5° of pivoting movement in all directions through a pivot point integrated into the base. Unlike some other products that one leans back into or perches on, the Score Polo Saddle Seat provides a central support that bears the entire weight of the torso and upper limbs. This minimizes the strain on the legs and encourages individuals to actively use their legs to engage the hips and torso in the movement facilitated by the pivot action. This pivoting capability allows the Polo saddle to move and shift throughout the day. The light-weight portable seat is easily moved between locations or set aside when transitioning to a standing position. A simple lever-activated gas cylinder adjusts the seat to serve for surfaces of varying heights. The small 15.75" diameter base also makes the Polo ideal for anyone creating a workstation that includes sitting and standing, with a range suitable for people from 4'9" to 6'2" tall. By providing an in-between seating option for short-term tasks, the transition to a standing position becomes almost effortless. The Polo offers enough support to keep fatigue at bay, while still permitting a full 360° rotation, combined with the freedom to flex forward, backward and laterally.

The Polo Saddle Seat is currently only in stock with the smaller Amazone saddle that is a slightly narrower fit or "cut" than many other saddle seats and has a moderate pommel rise at the front. The smaller dimensions make it better suited for use by those of slender or petite builds. The narrower cut also means that it can accommodate positions higher than the 45° downward thigh angle commonly recommended for saddle sitting.

Les Polo Saddle Seats de Score combinent le confort et l'ergonomie d'un siège de selle avec le concept de "siège actif". La conception permet un mouvement pivotant de 5° dans toutes les directions grâce à un point de pivot intégré dans la base. Contrairement à d'autres produits sur lesquels on s'appuie ou sur lesquels on se perche, le Polo Saddle Seat de Score offre un support central qui supporte tout le poids du torse et les bras. Cela minimise la tension sur les jambes et encourage les individus à utiliser activement leurs jambes pour engager les hanches et le torse dans le mouvement facilité par l'action de pivotement. Cette capacité de pivotement permet à le Polo saddle de se déplacer tout au long de la journée. Le siège portable léger est facilement déplacé d'un endroit à l'autre ou mis de côté lors de la transition vers une position debout. Un simple vérin à gaz (gas cynlinder) ajuster par un levier permet d'ajuster le siège à des surfaces de différentes hauteurs. La petite base de 15.75 po de diamètre rend également le Polo idéal pour toute personne créant un poste de travail qui inclut la position assise et la position debout, avec une gamme adaptée aux personnes de 4'9po à 6'2po de hauteur. En offrant une option d'assise intermédiaire pour les tâches de courte durée, la transition vers une position debout devient presque sans effort. Le Polo offre suffisamment de soutien pour éviter la fatigue, tout en permettant une rotation complète de 360°, combinée à la liberté de pencher vers l'avant, l'arrière et latéralement.

Le Polo Saddle Seat n'est actuellement disponible qu'avec la selle Amazone, plus petite, qui est légèrement plus étroite ou "coupée" que beaucoup d'autres sièges de selle et qui présente une élévation modérée qui augment à l'avant. Ses petits dimensions la rendent plus adaptée à une utilisation par les personnes de petite taille ou de taille fine. La coupe plus étroite signifie également qu'elle peut s'adapter à des positions plus élevées que l'angle de 45° vers le bas de la cuisse généralement recommandé pour s'asseoir sur la selle.

Model #DescriptionPriceIn Stock?Buy Now
POLO-AMAZONE-ANTH-BLU-STDScore Polo Saddle Seat - Amazone, Anthracite/Blue Fabric$595.00Yes

SPINDL TWO Office Chair

by Mey Chair Systems

The SPINDL TWO Office Chair from Mey Chair systems combines a traditional office chair with the innovative MybTec 360 Seat Movement Module, creating an office chair that can shift and move with the user. The SPINDL TWO chair features a sliding seat p ...

The SPINDL TWO Office Chair from Mey Chair systems combines a traditional office chair with the innovative MybTec 360 Seat Movement Module, creating an office chair that can shift and move with the user. The SPINDL TWO chair features a sliding seat pan and height adjustable armrests. A firm padded seat and self-tensioning mesh back create a secure upright posture that centers the user over the MybTec pivot point.

The MybTec 360 Seat Movement Module is designed to permit the chair to move up to 15° in any direction, with a simple lever to adjust or lock the degree of movement available. Users can move with a simple shift in weight or a lean to one side, keeping their body in motion throughout the day.

Note: The seat height range on the SPINDL TWO Office Chair is on the higher end—19" - 24"—meaning shorter users will require a footrest.

Model #DescriptionPriceIn Stock?Buy Now
79700SPINDL TWO Office Chair, Black Fabric Seat, Black Mesh Back, Black Nylon Base$825.00Yes

Amazone Balance

by Score

The Amazone Balance saddle style chair from Score is an excellent solution for those concerned about ergonomics and who want to move away from static seating. The Amazone combines the posture-correcting benefits of a saddle seat with the "Balance" me ...

The Amazone Balance saddle style chair from Score is an excellent solution for those concerned about ergonomics and who want to move away from static seating. The Amazone combines the posture-correcting benefits of a saddle seat with the "Balance" mechanism that permits the seat to continuously shift and adjust in response to movement throughout the day.

The Balance mechanism is located directly below the seat, letting the seat move and shift with any body movement. In order to accommodate diverse requirements the degree of resistance on the movement is easily adjusted with a few turns of the ring located just below the seat. This ring also doubles as a height adjustment release meaning that there is no need to reach and find a single lever when height adjustment is required, as the ring is accessible at any position.

The saddle of the Amazone Balance is a slightly narrower fit or "cut" than many other saddle seats and has a moderate pommel rise at the front. The smaller dimensions make it better suited for use by those of slender or petite builds. The narrower cut also means that it can accommodate positions higher than the 45° downward thigh angle commonly recommended for saddle sitting. This can be of value in situations such as dental care where the greater stability of a "standing" position is required while still having the supportive benefits of "sitting". The posture created by the Amazone Balance means that most individuals will find the majority of their weight supported by the chair with the balance shared between the feet.

The Amazone Balance is currently in stock with premium 2-tone Capri Blue/Black Stamskin® artificial leather for extreme durability and comfort.

Model #DescriptionPriceIn Stock?Buy Now
AMAZONE-BAL-CB-BK-STDScore Amazone Balance Saddle Chair, Bicolor (Capri Blue with Black Border), Adjustable Balance Mechanism, Under Seat Ring Release for Height Adjustment, Standard Height NO ETA. $885.00No

UP Stool

by Interstuhl

The UP Stool from Interstuhl features a convex non-slip bottom that encourages one to rock and shift in all directions, actively engaging a wide range of core muscles and assisting in maintaining lower torso joint mobility. Designed for short term si ...

The UP Stool from Interstuhl features a convex non-slip bottom that encourages one to rock and shift in all directions, actively engaging a wide range of core muscles and assisting in maintaining lower torso joint mobility. Designed for short term sitting, the UP Stool is a lightweight, portable, and height adjustable "action seat". Easily moved between locations, the UP Stool is a perfect office solution for quick meetings, short conversations or brainstorming sessions, or simply for taking short sitting breaks at a sit-stand desk. At home the lightweight, compact design mean the UP Stool can be a used anywhere a temporary seat is required, even as a healthy seat for the kids' soccer games. With a quick tug of the release strap—which conveniently doubles as a carrying grip— stool height can be set to any position between 17.7" and 24.8" for optimum comfort. The wide range of adjustment means that it can meet the needs of virtually any situation or height. The UP Stool has a foam insert which offers a minimal degree of padding ideal for short term usage, and a concave seatpan which is surprisingly accommodating for a wide range of body types.

The simplistic design of the UP Stool is intended for practical usage, durability and easy storage. With a base only 13.5" in diameter and less than 18" high when lowered for storage, the UP Stool can be easily stored in a corner or under a desk. Available in five colours, the UP Stool is suitable for any location where short-term, "active" usage is desired or being encouraged.

Le UP Stool de Interstuhl à une base convexe et non-glissante qui encourage l`utilisateur de se bercer et de se déplacer dans toutes directions, qui aide à engager activement les muscles du tronc et aide à maintenir la mobilité jointure du bas du torse. Construit pour l`assis à court terme, le tabouret "en action" nommé Up Stool est léger, portable, et ajustable en hauteur. Facilement bouger entre endroit, le tabouret UP Stool est une solution idéale au bureau pour les réunions vites, des conversations courtes, ou des sessions de réflexion. À la maison, ce concept léger et compact signifie que le tabouret UP Stool peut être utilisé n`importe ou qu`un tabouret est requis, même comme un tabouret de santé aux jeux de soccer (ou n`importe quel sport) des enfants. Tire rapidement la sangle de dégagement-qui agit comme une poignée de transport pratique-pour ajuster la hauteur du tabouret à une position confortable optimal entre 17.7 po et 24.8 po. La gamme d`ajustement signifie qu`il peut répondre aux besoins de presque toutes situations ou hauteurs de l`utilisateur. Le tabouret Up Stool à un morceau en mousse pour offrire un rembourrage minimal idéal pour l`assis à court terme, et un siège concave qui s`adapte à une vaste gamme de variétés de types de corps.

Le concept simple et durable du UP Stool est conçu pour l`usage pratique, et peut être facilement ranger. Avec une base de seulement 13.5 po en diamètre, et moins que 18 po de hauteur en position abaissée pour le rangement, le UP Stool peut être facilement ranger dans un coin ou dessous un bureau. Disponible en cinq différentes couleurs, le UP Stool est approprié pour n`importe endroit que l`assis à court terme et "en action" est désirer ou encouragée.

Model #DescriptionPriceIn Stock?Buy Now
10362474UP Stool, Red, Adjusts in Height from 450 - 630 mm$200.00Yes
10362475UP Stool, Ice Blue, Adjusts in Height from 450 - 630 mm$200.00Yes
10362476UP Stool, White, Adjusts in Height from 450 - 630 mm CALL. $200.00No
10362472UP Stool, Black, Adjusts in Height from 450 - 630 mm CALL. $200.00No
10362473UP Stool, Yellow, Adjusts in Height from 450 - 630 mm CALL. $200.00No

SPINDL ONE Executive Chair

by Mey Chair Systems

The SPINDL ONE Executive Chair from Mey Chair systems combines an executive style office chair with the innovative MybTec 360 Seat Movement Module, creating an office chair that can shift and move with the user. The SPINDL ONE Executive Chair feature ...

The SPINDL ONE Executive Chair from Mey Chair systems combines an executive style office chair with the innovative MybTec 360 Seat Movement Module, creating an office chair that can shift and move with the user. The SPINDL ONE Executive Chair features a sliding seat pan and height adjustable armrests. A firm padded seat and high backrest create a secure upright posture that centers the user over the MybTec pivot point.

The MybTec 360 Seat Movement Module is designed to permit the chair to move up to 15° in any direction, with a simple lever to adjust or lock the degree of movement available. Users can move with a simple shift in weight or a lean to one side, keeping their body in motion throughout the day.

Note: The seat height range on the SPINDL ONE Executive Chair is on the higher end—19" - 24"—meaning shorter users will require a footrest.

Model #DescriptionPriceIn Stock?Buy Now
79500SPINDL ONE Executive Chair, Black Fabric Seat, Black Fabric Back, Black Nylon Base$925.00Yes

Amazone Balance with Adjustable Lumbar Support

by Score

The Amazone Balance with Adjustable Lumbar Support from Score is an excellent solution for those concerned about ergonomics and who want to seek alternatives to static seating. The Amazone Balance combines the posture-correcting benefits of a saddle ...

The Amazone Balance with Adjustable Lumbar Support from Score is an excellent solution for those concerned about ergonomics and who want to seek alternatives to static seating. The Amazone Balance combines the posture-correcting benefits of a saddle seat with the "Balance" mechanism that permits the seat to continuously shift and adjust in response to movement throughout the day. The addition of an adjustable (and removable) Lumbar Support makes this version of the Amazone Balance suitable for a wide range of applications, especially those where one may be sitting for extended periods and wanting to occasionally let muscles rest.

The Balance mechanism, located directly below the seat, lets the seat move and shift with any body movement. In order to accommodate individual needs and preferences the degree of resistance on the movement is easily adjusted with a few turns of the ring located just below the seat. This ring also doubles as a height adjustment release meaning that there is no need to reach and find a single lever when height adjustment is required, as the ring is accessible at any position.

The saddle of the Amazone Balance is a slightly narrower fit or "cut" than many other saddle seats and has a moderate pommel rise at the front. The smaller dimensions make it better suited for use by those of slender or petite builds. The narrower cut also means that it can accommodate positions higher than the 45° downward thigh angle commonly recommended for saddle sitting. This can be of value in situations such as dental care where the greater stability of a "standing" position is required while still having the supportive benefits of "sitting". The posture created by the Amazone Balance means that most individuals will find the majority of their weight supported by the chair with the balance shared between the feet.

The Adjustable Lumbar Support is attached to the rear of the seat mechanism. This means that it follows all movement of the seat, always maintaining the desired position. The two-inch range of height adjustment accommodates a range of builds and the angle adjustment locks at any point within the range to either encourage or ensure proper upright posture or to permit a slight recline for resting.

The Amazone Balance with Adjustable Lumbar Support is currently in stock with premium 2-tone Capri Blue/Black Stamskin® artificial leather for extreme durability and comfort.

Model #DescriptionPriceIn Stock?Buy Now
AMAZONE-BAL-LMBR-CB-BK-STDScore Amazone Balance with Adjustable Lumbar Support, Bicolor (Capri Blue with Black Border), Standard Height$1020.00Yes

Twixt Active Seating Chair

by Safco Products

The Twixt Active Seating Chair from Safco Products is intended to subtly encourage the user to actively engage their core muscles in movement through the course of the day. The Twixt is supported by a sturdy cast aluminum base equipped with a flexibl ...

The Twixt Active Seating Chair from Safco Products is intended to subtly encourage the user to actively engage their core muscles in movement through the course of the day. The Twixt is supported by a sturdy cast aluminum base equipped with a flexible ring that can compress as users lean away from the vertical, permitting the seat to tilt in any direction the user chooses. The large 15.5" diameter seat is well padded, with waterfall edges to reduce the potential of encountering pressure points from the seat edge. Users can also freely pivot a full 360° which makes it possible to turn away from a desk or workstation without the need of moving the seat. Seat height adjustment is accomplished with a gas spring cylinder, activated by a convenient release ring just below the Twixt seat. The gas spring also acts as a shock absorber to eliminate any jolts as one sits down. There are two height ranges available — the Desk-Height version which adjusts from 17" - 22" for shorter users or situations where lower seating is more suitable, and the Extended-Height model which adjusts from 22" to 31.75", making this model better suited for taller persons or for use at height adjustable sit-stand desks. The Twixt is available with either Mesh Fabric or Vinyl upholstery.

Model #DescriptionPriceIn Stock?Buy Now
3000BUSafco Twixt Active Seating Chair, 17" - 22" range, Blue Mesh Fabric Seat$250.00Yes
3000BVSafco Twixt Active Seating Chair, 17" - 22" range, Black Vinyl Seat$250.00Yes
3001ORSafco Twixt Active Seating Chair, 22" - 31.75" range, Orange Mesh Fabric Seat$250.00Yes
3001BVSafco Twixt Active Seating Chair, 22" - 31.75" range, Black Vinyl Seat$250.00Yes

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