Ergonomic Professional Locator Service


List of Professionals, Alphabetically by City



Company Name: Ergo-Motion

Contact Name: Marie-Eve Tremblay
Mailing Address: 25 Campell Street, Mont-St-Hilaire, Quebec
Phone: 514-360-4715 Fax: 1-877-851-2180

Area of Specialization: Ergo-Motion provides office and industrial ergonomic services throughout Canada.  In Quebec, we service Montreal, Quebec City and Gatineau in English and French.  We offer expertise to clients in every industry sector, and clients include pharmaceutical companies, manufacturing, high tech companies and government.  

Quebec City

Company Name: ErgoConseils

Contact Name: Audrey Lalumière
Mailing Address: 405-3707 des Compagnons,  Quebec, QC  G1X 4Z5
Phone: (418) 871-7487

Area of Specialization: Office ergonomics, industrial ergonomics, training, legal expertise, design projects.

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