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Basic 952 Front Activated Height Adjustable Footrest

by Score

The Basic 952 Front Activated Height Adjustable Footrest from Score is built to provide many years of reliable use. The heavy metal base is topped by a large 18.5" by 13.5" platform which easily provides sufficient space for both feet. This sturdy fo ...

The Basic 952 Front Activated Height Adjustable Footrest from Score is built to provide many years of reliable use. The heavy metal base is topped by a large 18.5" by 13.5" platform which easily provides sufficient space for both feet. This sturdy footrest is easily adjusted through a full 8.75" range (3.25" to 12"), sufficient to meet the height requirements of a wide range of purposes. Height adjustment is spring-assisted, requiring one foot to press the floor-level release bar while the second foot provides the resistance necessary to position the foot platform at any of the 12 available height settings. The non-locking tilting platform effortlessly shifts to any angle between 0° and 45°, permitting workers to freely flex their ankles and change position regularly throughout the workday. Textured tread lines run across the width of the platform to keep feet securely in place.

Caution: The Basic 952 Front Activated Height-Adjustable Footrest should not be used as a foot stool. Do not stand on the footrest. This product uses a powerful spring mechanism, height adjustment should only be done with the feet, and only when seated.

This footrest has in the past also been sold as the Foot Actuated Height-Adjustable Footrest by Bakker Elkhuizen.

Le Basic 952 Front Activated Height-Adjustable Footrest de Score est conçu pour répondre aux besoins ergonomiques d'une grande gamme d'utilisateurs. Construite pour permettre un ajustement fiable de nombreuses années, la base en métal lourd est surmontée d'une large plateforme pour pieds de 18.5po x 13.5po qui offre facilement un espace suffisant pour les deux pieds. Si le Basic 952 semble familier, c’est qu’il a déjà été vendu en tant que le Foot Actuated Height-Adjustable Footrest de Bakker Elkhuizen.

Ce repose-pieds robuste, facilement ajustable, offre une gamme de hauteur étendue (3.25po à 12po) pouvant répondre aux exigences de hauteur d'une grande gamme d'utilisateurs. La plate-forme d’inclinaison non verrouillable permet de basculer sans effort vers n’importe quel angle compris entre 0 ° et 45 °, permettant aux utilisateurs de se tendre librement leurs chevilles et de changer de position régulièrement tout au long de la journée de travail. Des crêtes surélevés parcourent la largeur de la plate-forme pour maintenir les pieds bien en place. L`ajustement de la hauteur est assisté par un ressort, obligeant les utilisateurs à employer un pied pour appuyer sur la barre de dégagement au sol, tandis que le deuxième pied offre la résistance nécessaire pour positionner le repose-pied à l’un des 12 paramètres de hauteur disponibles.

Attention: Le Basic 952 Front Activated Height-Adjustable Footrest ne devrait pas être utilisé comme un tabouret. Ne vous tenez pas sur le repose-pieds. Ce produit utilise un mécanisme à ressort puissant. Ajustez la hauteur uniquement avec le pied et uniquement en position assise.

Model #DescriptionPriceIn Stock?Buy Now
095200BBasic 952 Front Activated Height Adjustable Footrest$305.00Yes

Freestanding Double Leg Rest

by Score

The Freestanding Double Leg Rest from Score serves as an adjustable and mobile support for those who need to keep one or both legs elevated while sitting. Potential applications include post-surgery elevation in order to relieve knee and foot pain, t ...

The Freestanding Double Leg Rest from Score serves as an adjustable and mobile support for those who need to keep one or both legs elevated while sitting. Potential applications include post-surgery elevation in order to relieve knee and foot pain, to decrease blood pooling in the lower extremities, to reduce pressure on the spine or to decrease fatigue.

This leg rest is equipped with a 5-point base which allows it to remain stable and upright without the need to attach it to any other furniture. The leg rest is wide enough to support both legs at once or can be used for a single leg as well, either beside or underneath the desk. Resilient foam padding helps keep the feet, knees and hips properly aligned while comfortably elevating the foot and leg. The 2" thick pad is 18.5" wide and 16" long, with slightly elevated sides to keep legs in position. The cushion is large enough to comfortably cradle even swollen legs and is upholstered with easily-cleaned leatherette.

The base is just under 20" in diameter to minimize interference with a chair base or desk supports. Elevation of the Freestanding Double Leg Rest is accomplished with a low-pressure gas spring with lever release. The adjustment range is from 14" - 19.5" and the leg pad can be angled up to 15° from horizontal and locks in at any point within the range. While the Freestanding Double Leg Rest can be used in most settings, because the base does have a diameter of 20" this should be taken under consideration when determining whether there will be sufficient space.

A Single Leg Rest is also available if elevation is only required for a single leg.

Le Freestanding Double Leg Rest de Score est une solution ajustable et mobile pour ceux qui ont besoin de garder une ou les deux jambes surélevée en position assise. Les applications potentielles sont pour être utilisé après une chirurgie afin de soulager la douleur aux genoux et aux pieds, de réduire l'accumulation de sang dans les extrémités inférieures, de réduire la pression sur la colonne vertébrale et de réduire la fatigue.

Ce repose-pied est équipé d'une base à 5 points qui lui permet de rester debout sans avoir à le fixer à un autre meuble. Le repose-pied est assez large pour soutenir les deux jambe à la fois aussi que seulement une jambe, soit à côté ou sous le bureau. Le rembourrage en mousse élastique maintient confortablement les pieds, les genoux et les hanches bien alignés tout en élevant le pied et la jambe. Le rembourrage concave est 2po d'épaisseur, et 18.5po de large et 16po de longueur, avec des bordures légèrement élever pour soutenir confortablement les jambes en place. Le coussin est suffisamment grand pour accueillir confortablement même les jambes enflées et est recouvert de similicuir facile à nettoyer.

La base mesure un peu moins de 20po de diamètre pour minimiser les interférences avec une chaise ou les jambes du bureau. L'élévation du Freestanding Double Leg Rest est accompli par un levier relâchement avec l'aide d'un vérin à gaz "à chaise" (gas spring). La hauteur peut être ajuster de 14po - 19.5po et le coussinet peut être incliné jusqu'à 15° à partir de l'horizontale et se verrouille en tout point de cette gamme. Le Freestanding Double Leg Rest peut être utilisé dans la plupart endroits, par contre, puisque la base a un diamètre de 20po, il faut bien prendre en compte qu'il va avoir l'espace suffisant.

Un Single Leg Rest est aussi disponible si l'élévation de seulement une jambe est nécessaire.

Model #DescriptionPriceIn Stock?Buy Now
6114T1KR1703ZW12M21ZScore Freestanding Double Leg Rest, Black Leatherette, Black Base, Black Cylinder$565.00Yes

Pro 959 Footrest

by Score

The Pro 959 Footrest from Score is a sturdy, adjustable footrest with a heavy metal base and an extra-large, plastic foot platform featuring raised ridges. The Pro 959 can be adjusted with the foot by means of a large button located at the rear of th ...

The Pro 959 Footrest from Score is a sturdy, adjustable footrest with a heavy metal base and an extra-large, plastic foot platform featuring raised ridges. The Pro 959 can be adjusted with the foot by means of a large button located at the rear of the platform, making it easy for the feet to identify and activate the button when making height adjustments. The non-locking mechanism on the platform permits tilting from 0°-87°, encouraging movement of the feet and ankles, and individuals to find the most comfortable inclination. Rubber feet on the unit ensure stable, slip-proof positioning. The large size and wide range of height adjustment make the Pro 959 Footrest ideal for deployment at flex workstations where a range of heights may be required.

Where space is limited but similar features are desired the Score Pro 952 Footrest could be considered.

Caution: The Pro 959 should not be used as a foot stool. Do not stand on the footrest. This product uses a powerful spring mechanism. Adjust the height only with the foot.

Le Pro 959 Footrest de Score est robuste et ajustable avec une base en métal lourd et une plateforme de pied en plastique extra large avec des crêtes surélevés. Le Pro 959 peut être réglé avec le pied au moyen d’un gros bouton situé à l’arrière de la plate-forme. Le bouton est simple à utiliser et facile à trouver avec le pied. Le mécanisme d'inclinaison de 0°-87° non verrouillable sur la plateforme encourage les mouvements des pieds et des chevilles et permet à l'utilisateur de trouver l'inclinaison la plus confortable. Les pieds en caoutchouc de l'appareil garantissent un positionnement stable et antidérapant. La grande taille et la grande gamme de réglages de hauteur fonts le Pro 959 Footrest le support idéal pour plusieurs utilisateurs avec postes de travail flexibles.

Si les caratéristiques semblables sont désirées, mais que l`espace est limité, le Score Pro 952 Footrest pourait être consideré.

Attention: Le Pro 959 ne devrait pas être utiliser comme un marchpied. Ne stationnez pas debout sur le repose pieds. Ce produit utilise un mécanisme puissant en spring. Ajustez la hauteur seulement avec le pied.

Model #DescriptionPriceIn Stock?Buy Now
PRO 959Score Pro 959 Footrest$315.00Yes

Freestanding Single Leg Rest

by Score

The Freestanding Single Leg Rest from Score is a customizable mobile support for those who may need to keep their leg elevated while sitting. Potential applications include post-surgery elevation in order to relieve knee and foot pain, to decrease bl ...

The Freestanding Single Leg Rest from Score is a customizable mobile support for those who may need to keep their leg elevated while sitting. Potential applications include post-surgery elevation in order to relieve knee and foot pain, to decrease blood pooling in the lower extremities, to reduce pressure on the spine or to decrease fatigue.

This leg rest is equipped with a 5-point base which allows it to remain upright without the need to attach it to any other furniture. The leg rest supports one leg at a time, either beside or underneath the desk. The leg rest is equipped with resilient foam padding, to keep the foot, knee and hip properly aligned while comfortably elevating the foot and leg. The 2" thick concave pad is 10" wide and 16" long, with slightly elevated sides keep the leg in position. The pad surface is large enough to comfortably cradle even a heavily swollen leg and is upholstered with soft leatherette that offers a comfortable and easily cleanable surface. The base is just under 20" in diameter to minimize interference with the second leg and foot.

Elevation of the Freestanding Single Leg Rest is accomplished by a low-pressure gas spring with lever release. Height is adjustable from 14" to 19.5" and the leg pad can be angled up to 15° from horizontal and locks in at any point within the range. While the Freestanding Leg Rest can be used in most settings, because the base does have a diameter of 20" this should be taken under consideration when determining whether there will be sufficient space.

A Double Leg Rest is also available if lower extremity elevation of both legs is required.

Le Freestanding Single Leg Rest de Score est une solution mobile et personnalisable pour ceux qui ont besoin de garder leur jambe surélevée en position assise. Les applications potentielles sont pour être utilisé après une chirurgie afin de soulager la douleur aux genoux et aux pieds, de réduire l'accumulation de sang dans les extrémités inférieures, de réduire la pression sur la colonne vertébrale et de réduire la fatigue.

Ce repose-pied est équipé d'une base à 5 points qui lui permet de rester debout sans avoir à le fixer à un autre meuble. Le repose-pied soutient une jambe à la fois, soit à côté ou sous le bureau. Le repose-pied est équipé d'un rembourrage en mousse élastique qui maintient confortablement le pied, le genou et la hanche bien alignés tout en élevant le pied et la jambe. Le rembourrage concave est 2po d'épaisseur, et 10po de large et 16po de longueur, avec des bordures légèrement élever pour soutenir confortablement la jambe en place. La surface du coussin est suffisamment grande pour accueillir confortablement même une jambe très enflée et est recouverte d'un similicuir doux qui offre une surface confortable et facile à nettoyer. La base mesure un peu moins de 20po de diamètre pour minimiser les interférences avec la deuxième jambe et le pied.

L'élévation du Freestanding Single Leg Rest est accompli par un levier relâchement avec l'aide d'un vérin à gaz "à chaise" (gas spring). La hauteur peut être ajuster de 14po - 19.5po et le coussinet peut être incliné jusqu'à 15° à partir de l'horizontale et se verrouille en tout point de cette gamme. Le Freestanding Leg Rest peut être utilisé dans la plupart endroits, par contre, puisque la base a un diamètre de 20po, il faut bien prendre en compte qu'il va avoir l'espace suffisant.

Un Double Leg Rest est aussi disponible si l'élévation des deux jambes est nécessaire.

Model #DescriptionPriceIn Stock?Buy Now
6112T1KR1703ZW12M21ZScore Freestanding Single Leg Rest, Black Leatherette (former model #6112TKR11ZW12)$495.00Yes

Pro 952 Footrest

by Score

The Pro 952 Footrest from Score is a sturdy, adjustable footrest with a heavy metal base and a large, plastic foot platform with raised ridges. The Pro 952 can be adjusted with a single foot by means of a large button located at the rear of the platf ...

The Pro 952 Footrest from Score is a sturdy, adjustable footrest with a heavy metal base and a large, plastic foot platform with raised ridges. The Pro 952 can be adjusted with a single foot by means of a large button located at the rear of the platform. The feet are easily able to identify and activate the button to make necessary height adjustments. The non-locking mechanism on the platform permits tilting from 0° to 87°, encouraging movement of the feet and ankles, and letting individuals find the most comfortable inclination. Rubber feet on the unit ensure stable, slip-proof positioning. The large size and wide range of height adjustment make the Pro 952 Footrest ideal for flex workstations where individuals with varying needs will be working.

If a larger footrest with similar features is desired the Score Pro 959 Footrest could be considered.

Caution: The Pro 952 should not be used as a foot stool. Do not stand on the footrest. This product uses a powerful spring mechanism. Adjust the height only with the foot.

Le Pro 952 Footrest de Score est robuste et ajustable avec une base en métal lourd et une plateforme de pied en plastique large avec des crêtes surélevés. Le Pro 952 peut être réglé avec le pied au moyen d’un gros bouton situé à l’arrière de la plate-forme. Le bouton est simple à utiliser et facile à trouver avec le pied. Le mécanisme d'inclinaison de 0°-87° non verrouillable sur la plateforme encourage les mouvements des pieds et des chevilles et permet à l'utilisateur de trouver l'inclinaison la plus confortable. Les pieds en caoutchouc de l'appareil garantissent un positionnement stable et antidérapant. La grande taille et la grande gamme de réglages de hauteur fonts le Pro 952 Footrest le support idéal pour plusieurs utilisateurs avec postes de travail flexibles.

Si un repose pieds plus grand avec les caractéristiques semblables est désiré, le Score Pro 959 Footrest peut être considéré.

Attention: Le Pro 952 ne devrait pas être utiliser comme un marchpied. Ne stationnez pas debout sur le repose pieds. Ce produit utilise un mécanisme puissant en spring. Ajustez la hauteur seulement avec le pied.

Model #DescriptionPriceIn Stock?Buy Now
PRO 952Score Pro 952 Footrest$300.00No

Amazone Balance

by Score

The Amazone Balance saddle style chair from Score is an excellent solution for those concerned about ergonomics and who want to move away from static seating. The Amazone combines the posture-correcting benefits of a saddle seat with the "Balance" me ...

The Amazone Balance saddle style chair from Score is an excellent solution for those concerned about ergonomics and who want to move away from static seating. The Amazone combines the posture-correcting benefits of a saddle seat with the "Balance" mechanism that permits the seat to continuously shift and adjust in response to movement throughout the day.

The Balance mechanism is located directly below the seat, letting the seat move and shift with any body movement. In order to accommodate diverse requirements the degree of resistance on the movement is easily adjusted with a few turns of the ring located just below the seat. This ring also doubles as a height adjustment release meaning that there is no need to reach and find a single lever when height adjustment is required, as the ring is accessible at any position.

The saddle of the Amazone Balance is a slightly narrower fit or "cut" than many other saddle seats and has a moderate pommel rise at the front. The smaller dimensions make it better suited for use by those of slender or petite builds. The narrower cut also means that it can accommodate positions higher than the 45° downward thigh angle commonly recommended for saddle sitting. This can be of value in situations such as dental care where the greater stability of a "standing" position is required while still having the supportive benefits of "sitting". The posture created by the Amazone Balance means that most individuals will find the majority of their weight supported by the chair with the balance shared between the feet.

The Amazone Balance is currently in stock with premium 2-tone Capri Blue/Black Stamskin® artificial leather for extreme durability and comfort.

Model #DescriptionPriceIn Stock?Buy Now
AMAZONE-BAL-CB-BK-STDScore Amazone Balance Saddle Chair, Bicolor (Capri Blue with Black Border), Adjustable Balance Mechanism, Under Seat Ring Release for Height Adjustment, Standard Height NO ETA. $885.00No

Amazone Balance with Adjustable Lumbar Support

by Score

The Amazone Balance with Adjustable Lumbar Support from Score is an excellent solution for those concerned about ergonomics and who want to seek alternatives to static seating. The Amazone Balance combines the posture-correcting benefits of a saddle ...

The Amazone Balance with Adjustable Lumbar Support from Score is an excellent solution for those concerned about ergonomics and who want to seek alternatives to static seating. The Amazone Balance combines the posture-correcting benefits of a saddle seat with the "Balance" mechanism that permits the seat to continuously shift and adjust in response to movement throughout the day. The addition of an adjustable (and removable) Lumbar Support makes this version of the Amazone Balance suitable for a wide range of applications, especially those where one may be sitting for extended periods and wanting to occasionally let muscles rest.

The Balance mechanism, located directly below the seat, lets the seat move and shift with any body movement. In order to accommodate individual needs and preferences the degree of resistance on the movement is easily adjusted with a few turns of the ring located just below the seat. This ring also doubles as a height adjustment release meaning that there is no need to reach and find a single lever when height adjustment is required, as the ring is accessible at any position.

The saddle of the Amazone Balance is a slightly narrower fit or "cut" than many other saddle seats and has a moderate pommel rise at the front. The smaller dimensions make it better suited for use by those of slender or petite builds. The narrower cut also means that it can accommodate positions higher than the 45° downward thigh angle commonly recommended for saddle sitting. This can be of value in situations such as dental care where the greater stability of a "standing" position is required while still having the supportive benefits of "sitting". The posture created by the Amazone Balance means that most individuals will find the majority of their weight supported by the chair with the balance shared between the feet.

The Adjustable Lumbar Support is attached to the rear of the seat mechanism. This means that it follows all movement of the seat, always maintaining the desired position. The two-inch range of height adjustment accommodates a range of builds and the angle adjustment locks at any point within the range to either encourage or ensure proper upright posture or to permit a slight recline for resting.

The Amazone Balance with Adjustable Lumbar Support is currently in stock with premium 2-tone Capri Blue/Black Stamskin® artificial leather for extreme durability and comfort.

Model #DescriptionPriceIn Stock?Buy Now
AMAZONE-BAL-LMBR-CB-BK-STDScore Amazone Balance with Adjustable Lumbar Support, Bicolor (Capri Blue with Black Border), Standard Height$1020.00Yes

Amazone Tilting Saddle Chair

by Score

The Amazone Tilting Saddle Chair from Score is a high quality one-piece saddle seat that is designed for those of average to smaller build. The saddle of the Amazone Tilting Saddle Chair is a slightly narrower fit or "cut" than many other saddle seat ...

The Amazone Tilting Saddle Chair from Score is a high quality one-piece saddle seat that is designed for those of average to smaller build. The saddle of the Amazone Tilting Saddle Chair is a slightly narrower fit or "cut" than many other saddle seats and has a moderate pommel rise at the front. The smaller dimensions make it better suited for use by those of slender or petite builds. The narrower cut also means that it can accommodate positions higher than the 45° downward thigh angle commonly recommended for saddle sitting. This can be of value in situations such as dental care where the greater stability of a "standing" position may be required while still having the supportive benefits of "sitting". The integrated tilting function lets the pommel height be adjusted to personalize the saddle position and optimize comfort. The posture created by the Amazone Tilting Saddle Chair means that most individuals will find the majority of their weight supported by the chair with balance and movement shared between the feet.

When set at an appropriate height a saddle seat can help restore the natural S-Curve in the spine - resulting in a more upright posture and better support for the back. This improved posture can significantly reduce the strain on the lower back, an issue that is common in many client-focused fields of work (dental, aesthetics, tattooing, etc). Of course it can also be beneficial to anyone who is able to position their desk or work at the higher elevation the saddle seat provides.

The Amazone Tilting Saddle Chair is currently in stock with Black Stamskin® artificial leather for extreme durability and comfort. Those who want a unique saddle may want to consider a special order where they can choose from additional materials and a range of single or bi-colour options.

Those of larger build may be interested in the Jumper Tilting Saddle Chair which has a broader and deeper saddle. And for those who might wish to engage in a more active sitting experience there are also Amazone Balance and Jumper Balance models that encourage continuous movement throughout the day.

Model #DescriptionPriceIn Stock?Buy Now
AMAZONE-TILT-BLK-STDScore Amazone Tilting Saddle Chair, Black Stamskin, Standard Lift (590-770 mm)$670.00Yes

Jumper Tilting Saddle Chair

by Score

The Jumper Tilting Saddle Chair from Score is a high quality one-piece saddle seat that is designed for those of average to larger build. The saddle of the Jumper Tilting Saddle Chair is broader fit or "cut" than many other saddle seats and has a rea ...

The Jumper Tilting Saddle Chair from Score is a high quality one-piece saddle seat that is designed for those of average to larger build. The saddle of the Jumper Tilting Saddle Chair is broader fit or "cut" than many other saddle seats and has a reasonable pommel rise at the front. The larger dimensions make it better suited for use by those of average or broader build. The integrated tilting function lets the pommel height be adjusted to personalize the saddle position and optimize comfort. The posture created by the Jumper Tilting Saddle Chair means that most individuals will find the majority of their weight supported by the chair with balance and movement shared between the feet.

When set at an appropriate height a saddle seat can help restore the natural S-Curve in the spine - resulting in a more upright posture and better support for the back. This improved posture can significantly reduce the strain on the lower back, an issue that is common in many client-focused fields of work (dental, aesthetics, tattooing, etc). Of course it can also be beneficial to anyone who is able to position their desk or work at the higher elevation the saddle seat provides.

The Jumper Tilting Saddle Chair is currently in stock with Black Stamskin® artificial leather for extreme durability and comfort. Those who want a unique saddle may want to consider a special order where they can choose from additional materials and a range of single or bi-colour options.

Those of slighter build may be interested in the Amazone Tilting Saddle Chair which has a narrower and shallower saddle. And for those who might wish to engage in a more active sitting experience there are also Amazone Balance and Jumper Balance models that encourage continuous movement throughout the day.

Model #DescriptionPriceIn Stock?Buy Now
JUMPER-TILT-BLK-STDScore Jumper Tilting Saddle Chair, Black Stamskin, Standard Lift (590-770 mm)$670.00Yes

Polo Saddle Seat

by Score

Polo Saddle Seats from Score combine the comfort and ergonomics of a saddle seat with the concept of "active seating". The design permits 5° of pivoting movement in all directions through a pivot point integrated into the base. Unlike some other ...

Polo Saddle Seats from Score combine the comfort and ergonomics of a saddle seat with the concept of "active seating". The design permits 5° of pivoting movement in all directions through a pivot point integrated into the base. Unlike some other products that one leans back into or perches on, the Score Polo Saddle Seat provides a central support that bears the entire weight of the torso and upper limbs. This minimizes the strain on the legs and encourages individuals to actively use their legs to engage the hips and torso in the movement facilitated by the pivot action. This pivoting capability allows the Polo saddle to move and shift throughout the day. The light-weight portable seat is easily moved between locations or set aside when transitioning to a standing position. A simple lever-activated gas cylinder adjusts the seat to serve for surfaces of varying heights. The small 15.75" diameter base also makes the Polo ideal for anyone creating a workstation that includes sitting and standing, with a range suitable for people from 4'9" to 6'2" tall. By providing an in-between seating option for short-term tasks, the transition to a standing position becomes almost effortless. The Polo offers enough support to keep fatigue at bay, while still permitting a full 360° rotation, combined with the freedom to flex forward, backward and laterally.

The Polo Saddle Seat is currently only in stock with the smaller Amazone saddle that is a slightly narrower fit or "cut" than many other saddle seats and has a moderate pommel rise at the front. The smaller dimensions make it better suited for use by those of slender or petite builds. The narrower cut also means that it can accommodate positions higher than the 45° downward thigh angle commonly recommended for saddle sitting.

Les Polo Saddle Seats de Score combinent le confort et l'ergonomie d'un siège de selle avec le concept de "siège actif". La conception permet un mouvement pivotant de 5° dans toutes les directions grâce à un point de pivot intégré dans la base. Contrairement à d'autres produits sur lesquels on s'appuie ou sur lesquels on se perche, le Polo Saddle Seat de Score offre un support central qui supporte tout le poids du torse et les bras. Cela minimise la tension sur les jambes et encourage les individus à utiliser activement leurs jambes pour engager les hanches et le torse dans le mouvement facilité par l'action de pivotement. Cette capacité de pivotement permet à le Polo saddle de se déplacer tout au long de la journée. Le siège portable léger est facilement déplacé d'un endroit à l'autre ou mis de côté lors de la transition vers une position debout. Un simple vérin à gaz (gas cynlinder) ajuster par un levier permet d'ajuster le siège à des surfaces de différentes hauteurs. La petite base de 15.75 po de diamètre rend également le Polo idéal pour toute personne créant un poste de travail qui inclut la position assise et la position debout, avec une gamme adaptée aux personnes de 4'9po à 6'2po de hauteur. En offrant une option d'assise intermédiaire pour les tâches de courte durée, la transition vers une position debout devient presque sans effort. Le Polo offre suffisamment de soutien pour éviter la fatigue, tout en permettant une rotation complète de 360°, combinée à la liberté de pencher vers l'avant, l'arrière et latéralement.

Le Polo Saddle Seat n'est actuellement disponible qu'avec la selle Amazone, plus petite, qui est légèrement plus étroite ou "coupée" que beaucoup d'autres sièges de selle et qui présente une élévation modérée qui augment à l'avant. Ses petits dimensions la rendent plus adaptée à une utilisation par les personnes de petite taille ou de taille fine. La coupe plus étroite signifie également qu'elle peut s'adapter à des positions plus élevées que l'angle de 45° vers le bas de la cuisse généralement recommandé pour s'asseoir sur la selle.

Model #DescriptionPriceIn Stock?Buy Now
POLO-AMAZONE-ANTH-BLU-STDScore Polo Saddle Seat - Amazone, Anthracite/Blue Fabric$595.00Yes

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