is pleased to present our
new Solutions Guide to help our customer identify possible ergonomic solutions
for issues with computer workstations. We are always adding and improving
the guide, and if you have a situation that is not covered, let us know
and if there are products we know will address that situation, we will
add that solution to this guide. You can always call us directly for more
specific advice from one of our product specialists on any given issue.
This guide is simply the first step in your research process of finding
products that will allow you to make your workstation more comfortable
and ergonomic.
What is the problem / issue you need addressed?
Please select the issue you are trying to address.
Mouse Position
My mouse is not beside my keyboard
My mouse is too far to the right and the reach for the mouse over
the keyboard is bothering me.
My mousing surface is at a different height than my keyboarding surface
My mousing surface is at a deeper spot on the worksurface than my