Use one or both feet for data input with a Kinesis contoured keyboard. A foot switch is essential for number crunchers to get instant access to the embedded numeric keypad. Anyone who wants to offload work from their fingers will love this option!
Default actions are 'Shift Keypad on' and 'Shift'. Programmable contoured keyboards allow foot switch to perform any user-defined keystroke or macro.
One or two foot switches attach easily with telephone connector to keyboard cable extension. If you think you may want two foot switches in the future, consider our new Dual Foot switch., a division
of Micwil Computer Consulting
P.O. Box 9022 Saskatoon, SK, Canada S7K 7E7
Phone: (306) 222-3203 Fax: (306) 382-4995
Toll-Free: (866) 335-3746 (ERGO)
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