Kinesis Logo The Savant Elite Programmable Footswitch by Kinesis - Detailed Specification Sheet




Savant Elite Single Action Footswitch Savant Elite Dual Action Footswitch Savant Elite Triple Action Footswitch
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New, versatile and comfortable USB foot switches for clicking the mouse and activating key actions. The Savant Elite family of programmable USB foot switches are available in single, dual, and triple foot switch configurations. Connects to virtually any computer with an available USB port.

Give your hands a rest and increase your output!

A Savant Elite Programmable Foot Switch maximizes your productivity while relieving your hands and arms. Think of it as a programmable, three-button keyboard for your feet! Use one or both feet. Some of the most common applications include the modifier keys (Shift, Control and Alt) and the mouse buttons (Left Click, Right Click, Double Click)

Ideal For the Office...

Get more work done and feel better than before. A Savant Elite programmable foot switch can do this for you by offloading work from an overused finger or hand. Create macros for repeated tasks, activate mouse clicks, or trigger any key action or modifier such as "Shift" or "Tab".

The Savant Elite Foot Switch is ideal for keying intensive tasks, such as:

Programming ... Technical Writing ... Data Entry ... Word Processing ... Graphic/Design ... Call Center ... Transcription ... Accounting ... Media & Sound Editing

Dental, Medical & Industrial...

All models are UL recognized for near-patient use. Select one, two, or three pedals, or a jack-equipped model supporting an optional hand trigger.

Dental - The Savant Family of foot switches are used extensively with Intraoral Radiography hardware and software including Kodak's (Practice Works) TROPHY RVGui Digital Radiography System and Softdent Software.

Medical - Current applications include digital radiography systems, endoscopy & ultrasound. Use in the examination room with any equipment accepting a USB input device. Consider the optional input jack version to connect a hand trigger for alternate use.

Industrial Control - A programmable USB foot switch can streamline many industrial assembly or test procedures. Multiple Savant Elite devices can be connected to a PC, with either foot pedal or hand trigger inputs. Because these are low-speed USB devices, extension cables can be often used without sacrificing data integrity.

Savant Elite Foot Switch Features:

Activate Mouse Clicks

All Savant Elite foot switches come pre-programmed to activate right and left mouse clicks. For many users the pain associated with mousing is from the action of clicking, not from moving the mouse. The Savant Elite resolves this problem by relocating the clicking action to the user's feet. On the triple action model, the middle footswitch defaults to the middle button. You cannot program double click. You cannot program a drag lock toggle with the footswitch (i.e. you have to hold down the footswitch the same way you hold down your left mouse button to highlight and perform drag and drop operations, there is no way to 'lock' the drag at present.

Program Any Key Action

Reprogram the foot switch to activate any key action(s). Perfect for offloading work from an overused finger or hand. Some of the more commonly used key actions are Shift, Tab, Enter, Backspace and Delete.

Create Macros

Macros are a great productivity tool for generating commonly used phrases, or combinations of key actions and modifiers. With a memory pool of 1200 characters per device the Savant Elite will support even the most demanding of tasks.

Feature Summary:

Which Model is Right for Me?

For users who require the utmost in productivity and comfort, the Savant Elite Triple Action Foot Switch is the answer. Through extensive user testing, proper spacing and orientation of each pedal was determined to maximize comfort and productivity. Furthermore, the outer pedals may be adjusted inward to accommodate smaller feet.

Don't need three pedals? Then get the Savant Elite Dual Action Foot Switch. Offering the same features as the Savant Elite Triple Action, the Dual Action is ideal for user's who only want to activate mouse clicks or want to offload one or two keying tasks.

The ultimate space saver! The Savant Elite Control Module bundled with a single action foot switch is ideal for situations where you want the smallest possible pedal, or where you need the pedal located away from the control unit. The control module has a 9.5 foot long USB cable connecting to the computer, and the foot switch itself has its own 10 foot cable connecting to the control module with a mini-phono plug. The standard unit has two input jacks and is bundled with one single foot pedal. However, the control module will work with any combination of pedals or hand triggers, and a control module with four input jacks is also available upon request.

Savant Elite Hand Trigger AccessoryAccessories

Both the Dual (FS20AJ-USB-UL) and Triple (FS30AJ-USB-UL) Action units are also available with an input jack for an additional hand trigger (FS02HT8) or foot pedal (FS005MP). The foot pedal is the one shown on the picture of the Single Action Unit at the top of the page and comes with a 10 foot cable and a mini-phono plug.

This hand trigger (pictured at right) is equipped with a mini-phono plug and an 8 foot long cable. It is intended to connect to a jack-equipped Savant Elite foot switch (FS20AJ-USB or FS30AJ-USB) or to a stand-alone control module (FSMJ2-USB or FSMJ4-USB).

Applications include tasks where both foot and hands need to execute repetive tasks. The Savant Elite device may be configured so that the hand trigger duplicates a foot pedal action, or adds an additional action.

Most Savant Elite devices are UL labelled and are thus recognized components approved for medical/dental near-patient (non-surgical) use. However, the regularly stocked hand trigger is NOT so labelled and is not intended for such applications. UL recognized hand triggers are available by special order, built to your specifications. Please inquire for more information if you require UL recognized hand triggers.


Single Action
Dual Action
Triple Action
Part Number
5.5" (Pedal: 2.6")
Depth (front to back)
2.0" (Pedal: 3.5")
Cable Length
2 lbs
3 lbs
4 lbs
1 year
1 year
1 year



Linux, Sun and other Non Windows Platforms


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