Kinesis Logo LogoTraxsys EasiTrax - Detailed Specifications Page

Traxsys EasiTrax

The EasiTrax is the latest addition to the Traxsys range of assistive technology devices. Designed for users who have difficulty using a mouse, this device incorporates proven joystick cursor control together with useful functions such as cursor speed control and scroll. Fingertip operation of the soft joystick handle gives accurate positioning, and left and right mouse button functions, together with speed control and scroll are easily accessed using the ergonomically placed large keys. Light, easy to use and requiring minimal hand movement to operate, EasiTrax combines the benefits of both trackballs and joysticks in one single affordable device.




  • Windows 98 or later
  • Macintosh compatible
  • USB native with PS/2 adapter

Technical Specifications

Accessories Included

Length: 20 cm
Width: 12.5 cm
Height: 6 cm
Joystick Height: 1.5 cm
Colour: White base and buttons; Black joystick

  • USB to PS/2 adapter
  • User's Manual


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