Natural Point LogoErgo Canada LogoThe TrackIR2 by NaturalPoint - Detailed Specification Sheet

NaturalPoint Track IR Graphic

The NaturalPoint trackIR2 is a revolutionary gaming device - it provides a completely hands free controller for gaming.

Check out the ad which aired on Discovery television (Windows Media Player required).

Check out Virtual Flight Productions review of the new TrackIR2 (Nov. 2003).


Click here for a comparison of all the TrackIR units...

Hands Free Gaming Controller

The NaturalPoint TrackIR2 is the perfect enhancement for gamers and flight sim enthusiasts looking for a competitive edge and an enhanced virtual reality experience. Imagine controlling your field of view in first person shooters, flight simulators, and many other types of games by simply looking around!

How Does it Work?

The TrackIR2 uses an infra-red sytem to track your head movements, using technology created for military targeting systems. As you move your head, the TrackIR2 sends a real-time stream of instructions to your computer via USB to move the mouse pointer or pan your view in game play. Complete view control is provided through small head movements - move your head a little and the view changes a lot. Look around without taking your eyes of the screen!

No Bulky Headset to Wear

Unlike other head tracking game controllers and mouse replacements, the TrackIR2 works without a cumbersome headset or any other hardware attached to you. Just peel off one of our tiny reflective dot stickers, put the TrackIR2 unit on top of your monitor, and you're ready to go.

The TrackIR2 software

The TrackIR2 software is designed to meet the needs of hard core gamers and simulation pilots. It allows novice users to start quickly, while giving advanced users a powerful suite of tools to customize their TrackIR2 installation. Below are a few sample screens.

Main screen :

The main screen lets users choose startup settings as well as Mouse Override Delay, which controls the interaction between the TrackIR2 and desktop mouse in the TrackIR2’s Mouse Emulation mode.

Also note the Status bar at the bottom of the screen, which displays tracking and hotkey info.

Hotkeys screen:

The HotKeys screen lets users set keyboard or joystick hotkeys for key mouse and TrackIR2 functions.

Motion screen (basic):

The TrackIR2 Motion screen provides real-time feedback on the TrackIR2’s image tracking system, as well as a number of motion presets designed to let users quickly get up and running.

Motion screen (custom):

For more adventurous users, a number of customizable
settings are available. This lets users tweak their
TrackIR2 to their heart’s content.


The profiles screen offer users the ability to create title-specific profiles, including custom motion and hotkey settings. It can even auto-load these profiles for TrackIR2 Enhanced titles.

TrackIR2 Enhanced titles include:

    • Microsoft Fight Simulator 2004
    • Microsoft Fight Simulator 2002
    • Battle for Britain
    • IL-2 Sturmovik: Forgotten Battles
    • Lock-On: Modern Air Combat
    • Falcon 4: Operation Infinite Resolve
    • Enemy Engaged: Commanche Versus Hokum
    • Strike Fighters: Project 1

Enhanced Mode

Many top simulations and games support the TrackIR2’s Enhanced mode, which gives users truly complete control of their environment. The TrackIR2 to ‘see’ the boundaries of a cockpit or the limitations of a game character’s field of view, allowing the user to use their mouse for other functions.

Mouse Mode

In mouse emulation mode, the TrackIR2 takes over control of your pointer or mouse view game function. Simply move your head in the direction you wish to look and your view changes accordingly. The TrackIR2 mouse mode can be used with any game that lets you control your view with a mouse or key commands. The TrackIR2 does not interfere with your current mouse in any way. If you want to use the mouse, just start moving it and the TrackIR2 will relinquish control. Stop using your mouse, and the TrackIR2 takes over again.

Key Mapping (available in both modes)

The TrackIR2’s Key Mapping mode allows you to send keystroke commands to a game based on 17 possible head positions. These keystrokes can be set to control functions such as changing weapons or activating snap views. For example, you could set the system up to check your 3 o’clock view in Microsoft Flight Sim 2002 with a quick glance to your right.

TrackIR REVIEWS review | review

Quotes from Reviews

"The first real revolution in simulation control in 15 years."
-Computer Pilot Magazine

"There's no more cost-effective way to get the situational awareness it delivers."
-Computer Gaming World Magazine

"The closest to a true VR experience we've ever had on the PC."
-Atomic PC Magazine

"It's as important to me now as a joystick. The unit is simply indispensable. Please do yourself a favor and get one!"
-IL-2 Center

"With trackIR you already have the best of snapviews/panviews and padlock in one package without any of their vices. You got smooth, fast, yet accurate natural viewing control like you would do in real life."
-Dnme, The Netherlands

"Glancing out the window to track the runway on finals is as natural as turning your head. The beauty of the device is that you quickly forget there is any special hardware involved."
-PC Pilot Magazine

How it Works

The TrackIR2 uses infrared light to track your head movements, using technology created for military targeting systems. As you move your head, the trackIR sends a real-time stream of instructions to your computer via USB to move the mouse pointer or pan your view in game play.

In passive mode, the TrackIR2 uses four infrared LEDs located behind the opaque front lens to illuminate reflective material such as a dot or ring.

A camera inside the TrackIR2 unit picks up this reflection and transmits the image data to a chip where it is processed.

Information on the size, shape, and position of the reflected object is passed on to your computer via the USB port where it is translated by the TrackIR2 software into cursor movement.

In active mode, the LEDs inside the TrackIR2 unit are turned off, and a device that emits infrared light, such as the wand, acts as the tracked object.

The TrackIR2 was specifically designed to be used in many different applications. Most all applications that involve object tracking can be explored using the TrackIR2. The USB driver calls are available to any user to get right at the source image data. Whether you want to track facial expression or doors opening for security applications, the TrackIR2 can be utilized.

The TrackIR2 is an optical tracking system comprised of a CMOS imager, illuminating infrared LEDs and processing electronics. Infrared light is emitted from the LEDs and is reflected back to the imager by a corner cube reflector (3M safety material). This reflected light is imaged by a CMOS sensor and the video signal is passed to the preprocessing electronics. The video signal is thresholded against a reference level and all passing data is sent to the USB microcontroller to send to the PC for object tracking. In order to increase the signal to noise ratio an IR filter that passes only 800nm and above is placed between the imager lens and the outside world.

Image data that passes the threshold is sent as segments in a raster scan arrangement over USB to the host computer. The host software combines the segments together to form objects. Objects are then either tracked or rejected based on size and motion properties. The resulting valid objects motion is translated into cursor position through several filters and scalars.

The TrackIR2 can image any IR source; typically this is reflective material or an active IR source such as an LED. A user may track many different objects by placing reflective dots or LEDs on the object. The TrackIR2 has a 30 degree field of view and anything being tracked must stay in that field of view. Multiple TrackIR2s can be arrayed from a USB hub to expand the tracking coverage.

Graphic of Dot Method in Action

TrackIR Box Set

The TrackIR Box Set comes with all of the accessories shown here:

  • Clear TrackIR2 Unit
  • Software CD
  • Electronic User’s Manual
  • 26 Reflective Dots
  • Quick Start Guide




Our reusable 1/3 and 1/2 inch dots
are made from highly reflective 3M material,
and are sold in strips of 52 (2 x 26 dot sheets).

The TrackIR2 Box Set comes with
26 dots, but heavy users may want
to stock up.

TrackHat Head-Tracking Cap

No More Dots!

This stylish and functional flight-style hat removes the need for reflective dots. With built-in tracking surfaces on the brim and back, the TrackHat improves the ease-of-use and accuracy of your TrackIR2.

The hat comes in black with light grey trim and tracking surfaces on both the front and the back. One size fits all, adjustable.

Carrying Pouch

A convenient and stylish carrying pouch is a perfect way to transport or store your


Our comfortable one-size-fits-all rings are made from soft, flexible plastic.

When placed on the finger, they allow control of the cursor without the use of dots.

Raw Material

Hobbyists and developers will want some of our specially made TrackIR2 reflective material.

It comes in 1’ by 2” inch strips and can be fashioned to meet all of your image tracking needs.

Technical Specifications

Imager: 256 X 256 pixels CMOS sensor
FOV: 30 degrees horizontal and vertical
Wavelength: 880nm
Video format: NTSC
Interface: USB 1.1
Control input: 3.5mm Stereo jack for 2 bit input
Processor: Cypress EZUSB-FX 64013 –80NC
Power: 5V @ 240ma from USB

Case: Injection molded black ABS
Cable: 6 ft. captured cable
Unit dims: 2.25” diameter by 1.15 thick
Base: Fullhard .019” stainless steel
Feet: Glossy rubber.

TROUBLESHOOTING - Please visit the manufacturer's troubleshooting page at

WARRANTY - 1 year

DRIVER - The final version of the 3.01 Driver is available for download at


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