Hoverstop Logo ErgoCanada.com LogoHoverstop Active Ergonomic Mouse - Detailed Specifications Page

Hoverstop Active Ergonomic Mouse

The Hoverstop active ergonomic mouse is suitable for rehabilitation and prevention of injuries and discomfort associated with computer mouse usage. The Hoverstop assists by changing the mouse usage habits that produce static loadings on the body. When actively using the mouse, it works like any other 3 button mouse with a scroll wheel. When you are not actively using the mouse, you still have tension in your arm, neck, and shoulder. After 10 seconds of passive mouse use, a vibration reminds you to take your hand away. You rest your hand and relax until you need to use the mouse again, without interrupting your work.


How Does it Work?


Arm and Shoulder Muscle Tension Chart Here you see what happens with your muscles when you are using a mouse. The red line shows the tension in your arm-muscles. When you are actively clicking and scrolling, you can see some peaks caused by movement. When you leave your hand on the mouse (mouse passive) and try to relax, the peaks disappear, but the muscle tension remains elevated. Only when you release the mouse and rest your hand on the table, your muscles will relax.
Do you know how often your hand remains tensed on the mouse without actually using it? Up to 30 times per hour! Total passive mouse time can run up to more than 10 minutes per hour. Save yourself this time and tension, release the mouse and relax! Active versus Passive Mousing Diagram



Hardware Setup

System Requirements


  • Turn off your PC before you plug in the PS/2 connector.
  • Plug the PS/2 connector adapter into PC host, plug the USB connector into the adapter and reboot PC after you plug in.
  • System will automatically detect the device.


  • Plug USB connector into PC host.
  • System will automatically detect the USB device.
  • If it is a Win 98 system, it will request a driver. Insert your system CD into your CD-ROM drive.
  • Follow the steps to search the driver of USB device and complete the setup.
  • IBM Pentium PC, 586 or above or Apple G3 or above
  • Windows 98 / ME / 2000 / XP or Mac 0S 10
  • USB and PS/2 Compatible


  • Optical Mouse
  • User's Guide
  • PS/2 Connector Adapter


  • 3-button mouse with scroll wheel
  • 800-dpi optical sensor
  • Hoverstop active ergonomic technology



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Micwil Computer Consulting
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P.O. Box 9022  Saskatoon, SK, Canada S7K 7E7
Phone: (306) 222-3203 Fax: (306) 382-4995
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Email: sales@ergocanada.com

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