Evoluent VerticalMouse 3 by Evoluent - Programmable Functions
The Evoluent VerticalMouse 3 has
a patented shape that supports your hand in a relaxed handshake position, and
eliminates the arm twisting required by ordinary mice. It is a major advance
in mouse evolution!
It has been superseded by more up-to-date product information. |
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Programmable Functions
is the complete list of functions for each button (Important Note: Button
1 is FIXED as left click and CANNOT be re-programmed):Here is the complete
list of functions for each button (Important Note: Button 1 is FIXED as
left click and CANNOT be re-programmed):
- None - button does nothing when clicked
- Left Button - left or normal click
- Right Button - right click
- Wheel/Middle Button - middle click for some programs, particularly
CAD programs
- Alt - keyboard Alt
- Auto-Pan - click and drag the mouse to scroll or pan in any direction
- Back - go back one page or folder in browsers
- Backspace - keyboard backspace
- Close - close program or window
- Copy - keyboard Ctrl C to copy
- Ctrl - keyboard Ctrl
- Cut - keyboard Ctrl X to cut
- Double Click - click once to perform double click
- Drag Scroll - press and hold the button, and drag the mouse to scroll
- Enter - keyboard Enter
- Esc - keyboard Esc
- Explorer - Open Windows Explorer to browse folders
- F1 - keyboard F1, brings up help in most programs
- F2 - keyboard F2
- F3 - keyboard F3
- F4 - keyboard F4
- F5 - keyboard F5, refreshes view in most programs
- F6 - keyboard F6
- F7 - keyboard F7
- F8 - keyboard F8
- F9 - keyboard F9
- F10 - keyboard F10
- F11 - keyboard F11
- F12 - keyboard F12
- Forward - go forward one page or folder in browser
- Key Stroke Recording - records and plays back keyboard keystrokes
- Launch Application - starts a selected program
- Maximize - maximizes window
- Minimize - minimizes window
- Page Down - keyboard page down
- Page Up - keyboard page up
- Paste - keyboard Ctrl V to paste
- Pointer Speed Toggle - toggles among up to 3 sets of pointer speeds
- Print Screen - keyboard Prt Sc to copy screen image to clipboard
- Run - opens Run function in Start menu
- Shift - keyboard shift
- Show/Hide Desktop - show open windows or minimize all windows
- Spacebar - keyboard spacebar
- Start - opens Start menu
- Switch Applications - brings next open program to the front
- Tab - keyboard tab
- Undo - keyboard Ctrl Z to undo
- Zoom - click and drag the mouse to zoom images
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