Accessories | Product Summary |
The Slimline Joystick from Pretorian is an ideal control device for use by those with smaller hands, in particular younger individuals. The small footprint and low profile (claimed by the manufacturer to be the lowest profile joystick available) let it fit where larger devices simply would not be practical. The Slimline offers four easily-changed cursor speeds, dual programmable touch-zones that can support left, double and right clicks or serve as a drag-lock. Custom settings are retained in the on-board memory but can be changed at any time.
For individuals who may inadvertently activate the touch-zones when moving the stick, the Slimline Joystick offers the option of attaching external switches which disable the on-board touch surfaces. Stick movement requires just 0.5 Newtons of force, with a soft-start feature that offers variable speed based on the distance the joystick is displaced from centre. Slight displacement provides fine control for targeting, with greater displacement serving well for rapid movement across a screen. A T-Bar and Soft Ball grip are also included as alternative control grip options.
The Slimline Joystick connects via USB and is compatible with PC, Mac, Chromebook and tablet devices that support external mice. Where a full-size USB port is not available a suitable adapter is required. | Ergonomic Benefits |
Reduces Strain on Arm, Elbow and Shoulder Muscles - The Slimline Joystick is a stationary mousing device. Moving the joystick with the hand or fingers moves the cursor on the screen but the device itself does not move. Limiting the repetitive movements of the arm and shoulder can greatly reduce the potential for injury and inflammation in these muscle groups. Many individuals who can benefit from the Slimline Joystick features already have issues in these areas so any reduction of the amount or degree of movement is of benefit. The Slimline Joystick design also encourges individuals to keep the elbow, wrist and hand in a straight line, and to limit ulnar and radial deviation. Learn More About Ulnar Deviation.
Reduces Strain on the Hand, Wrist and Arm - The Slimline Joysticks requires just 0.5 Newtons of force to activate the cursor. The three control surface options (Joystick, T-Bar, and Ball) mean that the Slimline Joystick can be adapted to meet specific needs. By using the most comfortable control option it may be possible to address the tendency individuals may have to grip the pointing device too hard. This often inadvertent static grip can cause pain and injury to the muscles and soft tissues in the back of the hand and in the wrist and forearm. The three options also ensure that those with strength or grasp issues can equip the Slimline Joystick with a control surface that is best suited to their needs. Learn More About Static Grip Force.
Touch-Activated Click Zones - The Slimline Joystick features two large touch zone to the left and right of the joystick. These can be highly beneficial for those who have very limited strength or mobility as activation requires no force, just a simply contact. Both of these zones can be programmed for Left Click, Double Click, Drag Lock, or Right Click using the on-board programming sequence. This design assists users with limited motor control in targeting the buttons well as having the accompanying effect of reducing the risk of accidental button activation.
Optional Drag Lock Can Reduce Finger Fatigue - Once the drag-lock function is assigned to either of the touch surfaces (or an optional external switch) this feature allows individuals to activate drag-lock by a simple touch. This eliminates the need to hold down a button while making a selection or when dragging the selected item on the computer screen. This greatly simplifies using applications that may require significant click-and-drag actions.
Accommodates Use by Left or Right Hands - The Slimline Joystick features an ambidextrous design and can be positioned to the left or right side as required. in the traditional desktop layout. Button assignments are changed using the convenient on-board programming.
| Features |
- Low Profile Design: The Slimline Joystick features a smaller and lower profile than most other joysticks, especially other assistive joysticks that tend to be much larger and with a noticeably higher overall profile. This makes it well-suited for children, those with smaller hands, or where space is limited.
- Zero-Force Click Zones: The Slimline Joystick is equipped with dual touch zones located to the left and right of the stick. Each of these zones can be programmed for Left Click, Drag Lock, Double Click or Right click and can be reprogrammed at any time as needed. Where inadvertent activation is a concern these can be individually deactivated with the attachment of an external switch.
- External Switch Support: The integrated touch zones may not work for everyone. For situations where accidental activation of the touch zones is a concern the Slimline is equipped with two (2) 1/8" mini phono plug sockets that accommodate the attachment of external switches. When an external switch is attached it takes over the existing commands, overriding and disabling the associated touch zone. Check out our selection of switches that can be used with the Slimline Joystick.
- Light-Touch Joystick: The joystick on the Slimline Trackball requires just 0.5 Newtons of force for movement, making it idea for those with strength and mobility limitations. Those who experience tremors or muscle spasms or who have more aggressive movements would generally benefit from special features available on the JAZZ Joystick or the n-ABLER PRO Joystick.
- Cursor Speed Control: The Slimline Joystick can be quickly cycled through 4 cursor speed settings. This allows individuals or caregivers to select the speed that best serves specific needs and is changeable at any time. An audible alert indicates which speed setting is selected as changes are made.
- Easy Action, Slow-Start Cursor Control: Although the stick on the Slimline Joystick requires just 0.5 Newtons of force to initiate movement it still provides resistance feedback sufficient to greatly reduce inadvertent cursor movement. In addition, minor displacement of the joystick will move the cursor very slowly so corrections are easily made if necessary. Cursor speed increases to the selected maximum as the joystick is moved further off-centre.
- Rugged Construction: Pretorian products are designed with the expectation that they may be subjected to less than ideal conditions. As a result their construction is intended to accept this type of usage without failure.
- High Visibility Controls: The Slimline Joystick features large brightly coloured touch-activation zones to assist those who have vision or comprehension difficulties.
- Low Profile for Stability: All Pretorian products are designed to ensure stability. The low profile of the Slimline Joystick ensures that it will not be easily knocked off of the surface on which it is situated.
- Symmetrical Design: The housing of the Slimline Joystick provides the freedom to easily switch between right or left hand use. Left and Right click functions can be quickly reassigned as needed with the on-board programming.
- Integrated Wrist Support for Smaller Hands: The Slimline Joystick is smaller than other Pretorian joystick models. As such it can offer reasonable wrist support for those with smaller hands. If someone with a larger hand is using this it might be wise to add an additional cushion to extend the length and thus provide support for the wrist or heel of the hand.
- Latching Drag Lock and Indicator: The Drag Lock latches on to a selection until the button is activated a second time to release the latch. This lets individuals focus on the necessary cursor movement, be it selecting text or simply moving something on the screen. An LED just below the joystick is illuminated while the Drag Lock Function is active.
- PS/2 and USB 'Plug and Play' installation: Installation is a breeze. Simply connect the USB and the joystick will automatically install. If a PS/2 connection is required just attach a suitable adapter, plug it in and start/restart the computer. (Adapters are available if required)
- Wired Reliability: The Pretorian Slimline Joystick employs a wired USB connection that eliminates the potential for wireless to "drop out" at a crucial moment. It also ensures the fastest communication - eliminating any potential for lag from wireless.
| Images (Click on any thumbnail to view larger image) |
 Pretorian Slimline Joystick
|  Pretorian Slimline Joystick - Small Footprint
|  Pretorian Slimline Joystick - Low Profile Housing
|  Pretorian Slimline Joystick - Package Contents
| |
| Additional Resources |
- Pretorian Slimline Joystick User Manual: PDF
| Technical Specifications |
- Dimesions:
Width: 3.5" (90.0 cm) Depth: 5.7" (14.5 cm) Height: - Height of Housing: 0.87" (2.2 cm) at front to 1.18" (3.0 cm) at rear
- Overall with standard joystick: 3.375" (8.6 cm)
- Height of Joystick above housing: 2.25" (5.7 cm)
- Height with T-Bar: 3.625" (9.2 cm)
- Height with Ball: 5.0" (12.7 cm)
- Weight: 8.2 oz. (233 g)
- Interface: USB (optional USB to PS/2 adapter is available)
- Power Source: USB
- Cord Length: 50" (1.27 m)
- Compatibility:
PC, Mac, Chromebook, iOS13 and up devices (see below), Tablet devices that support external mice and are equipped with a USB port (adapter may be required). Note: The latest release of iOS13 for Apple portable devices includes support for USB Pointing Devices. This means that all of the Pretorian Mouse Replacement solutions can now be used with iPads and iPhones that have iOS13 or newer. Connection to the portable device requires a "camera adapter cable". Because the mousing device will be powered by the phone or tablet it is preferable to use one with pass-through charging so the portable device can charge while the mousing device is attached and in use. - Warranty: 2 years. For use in domestic, educational, commercial, and light industrial applications. Use in other applications voids the warranty.
| Usage Tips |
- Using a joystick is a natural and intuitive movement for most individuals as the cursor moves in response to the direction the joystick is moved. With the Soft-Start cursor movement the cursor will not "jump" quickly and direction can easily be changed before moving too far in the wrong direction.
- Select the Control Handle that best meets your needs. Some will prefer the full grip of the Ball to optimize their control and comfort while others will prefer the traditional Joystick or T-Bar handles. The handle which provides the greatest level of control is most probably the best option as it will generally also generate the least amount of stress.
- Take Regular Breaks: If you find that you are experiencing discomfort in your fingers or hand, especially in the learning stages - that is a good sign that you may want to take a break, switch to a different device, or swap to the other hand. As with any device, make an effort to regularly change your usage, take breaks, and perform stretches. Sometimes the fingers can benefit from occasionally flexing through a full range of movement, both extending and contracting them fully.
- Consider using the Drag-Lock feature when performing text selection or any drag-and-drop functions.
| Models |
 | Model # | Description |
SLMJS | Slimline Joystick |