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The AirO2Bic (formerly the Quill) mouse is specifically designed to locate your mousing arm in a biomechanically low load posture and thereby protect your wrist, where most experience problems and so reduce the likelihood of MSD's. | Ergonomic Benefits |
All the evidence implicates the degree of continuous tension in the mousing arm and bending the wrist as causal agents in Musculo-Skeletol Disorders (MSD's) and Carpal Tunnel Syndrome itself. (See Clinical References). The OSHA state that finger movements with the wrist bent are consistent with the development of problems like Carpal Tunnel Syndrome.
The Air02Bic is the first and only Grip-Less mouse that allows you to move the pointer without having to grasp the mousing unit, allowing your hand to remain relaxed. The Air02Bic is also the only mouse product to manage the degree of 'wrist bend' when using the mouse. By rotating the hand into the handshake position, The Air02Bic not only removes the 'twist' from the arm and resulting unwinding of the Median nerve, but it also removes the usual 'bend' of the wrist that users adopt when the mouse is lower than the arm. The handshake position created by The Air02Bic guides the user into having the forearm at the same height as the mouse. The Wrist Guide then maintains the arm/wrist/hand configuration within biomechanically sound degrees of flex.
Other mouse design attempts at reorientation of the hand into the handshake position do not solve the critical 'wrist flex' issue, and still require some gripping force as they do not provide support for the base of the hand. The hand has to be under biomechanical load just to move the mouse over the mousing area. The Air02Bic grip-less mouse is the only mouse that addresses all of the issues, allowing the mousing hand to be relaxed when actually mousing.
The solution is simple and obvious when the biomechanics of the human body are understood. More importantly, the solution is easily implemented and therefore attainable by every mouse user, by using the best available technology and switching to Designer Appliances' biomechanically designed and Grip-Less computer mouse, The Air02Bic.
How it works - The Air02Bic grip-less design, without requiring you to change the way you work, maintains your mousing hand in the 'neutral' or 'untwisted' low biomechanical load position. At the same time The Air02Bic manages the degree of flex of the wrist and provides a support and 'vehicle' for the hand when mousing.This 'vehicle', the mound and gully aspect to the design of the Air02Bic form the Gondola region of the Air02Bic. The Air02Bic is not only visually elegant, but by placing your hand into the Gondola of the Air02Bic you make the grip-less biomechanical connection (BiomechPort) between you and your computer.The Gondola also makes moving The Air02Bic almost effortless (especially when combined with the lightweight high impact manufacturing materials) as both the hand and the wrist are supported in whatever direction you move the Air02Bic providing a surface to push with the bulk of your hand so there is no need to drag the mouse, requiring you to 'grip' or use your fingers or thumbs as it is Grip-less. Also, your hand is never in contact with the mouse mat or mousing area, the friction from which excessively exfoliates the skin depositing the oil and debris that you were forever cleaning off of your old trackball. With the Air02Bic wipe clean surface simply clean it as part of your normal PC maintenance for a 'like-new' appearance.Whether left or right handed, to effectively position your hand on the Air02Bic simply place your middle finger tip towards the end of the lower button, then allow your hand to settle comfortably into its contoured body - there is nothing more to learn to use The Air02Bic. The tip of your index finger may extend slightly forwards of the upper button, but this is normal and you will discover, very comfortable. The design of the buttons is 'center hinged' so that the entire switch is naturally available to be actuated from any position, accommodating the normal variance in the lengths of an individual's fingers. Button actuation is achieved by a slight bending of the finger, no longer needing the tip of the finger to be bent, therefore causing the hand to 'claw'.The Biomechanical design of the Air02Bic necessitates it to be larger than other mice. Bigger is more comfortable according to independent research at Cornell University. This extra area is under the region that is normally occupied by the hand, wrist and lower forearm, supporting them, and so the actual footprint, the area of mouse mat needed, is only marginally bigger. As the Air02Bic is optical it is zero maintenance and no mouse mat is actually needed, though as with all optical mice some shiny surfaces can cause the pointer to 'stutter'.The science of Biomechanics delivered with The Air02Bic, in scientific terms, means that instead of an 11% increase in muscle tone, our scientific measure of biomechanical load, on average is reduced to an increase of only 1% or virtually resting (based upon our own clinical findings after 45 minutes of continuous use). In addition and a part of the "Solution" the QuillTimer is provided, a simple and unobtrusive reminder to take a 15 minute break every 2 hours. The 15 minute break after 2 hours of continuous computing is a recommendation of the OSHA, you elect to use it by turning it on when needed and Desinger Appliances recommends that you do.
| Features |
- Works for persons with disabilities: The Virtually Hands Free mousing system (the Air02Bic Vertical Mouse with the Nib Click-Less Software, see below) allows for conventional mousing techniques without the need for muscle activity forward of the elbow. This enables those with reduced dexterity of most kinds to be able to use the full features of their software, including and especially an easier and fuller Internet experience. Upper arm muscles are used to move so point the mouse, there is no need to grip or click. Some persons with tremors may find that they can avoid unintentional clicking, as they are now able to maneuver without fingers being in close proximity to mouse buttons.
- Works for persons with functional impairment (injuries): Whether as a result of on or off computer injury the Air02Bic Mouse will help to alleviate the strain of computer mouse usage by untwisting the wrist and avoiding what is called Static Posture. This is when a constant grip is maintained, the excessive use of which is now reported as correlating with computer mouse related injuries. For those who have trouble clicking, or those receiving treatment for hand or wrist injuries, it is recommended that the Nib Click-less Software be used along with the Grip-less Mouse (together called the Virtually Hands Free mousing system) so as to remove the need to grip or click. In many cases this can break the cycle of receiving therapy and then returning to work to perform a task, like mousing, that is likely to negate or delay the impact of the benefits of the treatment just received. Designer Appliances believes that with their products many people can heal sooner and in the process save thousands of visits for treatment and millions of dollars in Workers Comp and Healthcare costs, to say nothing of the relief from the misery that a chronic condition inflicts upon people's lives. In terms of computer usage: another cruel and wasteful irony is that it is those who work hardest for longest fall victim soonest and most often.
- Works for persons who work extensively with computer mice: Some experts consider that using an ordinary mouse for more than 20 hours a week will likely lead to an injury within 2-5 years. Muscles that are tensed and then relaxed over short time intervals as when typing are considered as at less risk, as they are in what is called a Dynamic Posture. When muscles are tensed blood is squeezed out and they can require up to 50 times more oxygen. So only when a muscle relaxes can full blood flow resume and oxygen concentrations return to an "at rest" level. As with all physical work and in the absence of other factors that can affect some individuals, while Dynamic Postures can and do cause hands to tire, they are less likely to lead to injury if that posture were the only one employed while computing.
| Images (Click on any thumbnail to view larger image) |
 AirO2Bic Mouse (formerly known as Quill Mouse)
|  AirO2Bic Mouse (formerly known as Quill Mouse) - with USB to PS/2 adapter
|  AirO2Bic Mouse (formerly known as Quill Mouse) - hand positioning
| Technical Specifications |
- Width: 3.5" (8.9 cm)
- Depth (front to back): 7.8" (19.8 cm)
- Height: 3.5" (8.9 cm)
- Software (included with the mouse): The Air02Bic Package, consisting of Windows compatible (Mac OS X to be released):
- QuillTimer - A simple unobtrusive timer that counts down 1:45 hr after which a 15 min break should advisedly be taken. (OSHA Recommendation)
- The Median Nerve Challenge - A simple stretch exercise routine that allows for non-diagnostic evaluation of the mobility of the Median at that time.
- Mouse Driver folder containing 3 button and scroll wheel drivers for Windows applications.
- Air02Bic Story folder containing An AVI movie file of TV footage explaining the issues of Carpal Tunnel and how the Air02Bic solves them.
- Compatibility: PC:Windows 98, ME, 2000,XP
Mac: all Mac OSes(including OS X) - Interface: USB
- Warranty: 2 years
| Models |
 | Model # | Description |
0090-0020 | Right hand, onyx colour | 0090-0030 | Right hand, pearl colour | 0270-0020 | Left hand, onyx colour | 0270-0030 | Left hand, pearl colour |
| Accessories |