Ergo Canada LogoCirque LogoThe Smart Cat Touchpad by Cirque - Detailed Specification Sheet

Cirque Smart Cat Touchpad

Smarter than a mouse with the largest touchpad surface and one-touch vertical & horizontal scroll, plus zoom!

No mouse can do all this! Cirque Smart Cat sets a higher standard of performance and comfort with the new generation of GlidePoint technology. The Cirque Smart Cat adds comfort plus performance to computer control with an extra-large touch surface, intelligent software, one-touch scroll and zoom, and distinctive sounds for each operation. Basic mouse functions are a snap. Simply access right-clicks by tapping a finger in the touchpad’s upper right corner, and quickly activate vertical/horizontal scrolling as well as magnification tools by gliding a finger along the touchpad edges. Programmable software allows you to go from fast on-screen movements to pixel-point control. The Smart Cat combines all the power of a full-featured mouse with the unrivaled comfort and durability of a touchpad.

Smart Features: 

System Requirements: 

  PS/2 Model USB Model
Hardware Requirements IBM PC-compatible PS/2 port

IBM PC-compatible or
Apple Macintosh USB port

Operating System

Windows 95, 98, NT, 2000, XP
Windows ME not supported - See NOTE

Windows 98, 2000, XP
Windows ME not supported - See NOTE

Mac 0S 8.5 - X (Basic touchpad functions)
See NOTE for Mac Users

* USB Overdrive (shareware) - This
software will provide some of the
touchpad features on the Mac. It
does not provide the use of the

Device Area 101.6 x 111.8 x 10.2 mm
(4.0 x 4.4 x 0.4 inches)

101.6 x 111.8 x 10.2 mm
(4.0 x 4.4 x 0.4 inches)

Touch Area 76.2 x 53.3 mm
(3.0 x 2.1 inches)

76.2 x 53.3 mm
(3.0 x 2.1 inches)


PS/2 cable: 182.9 cm (6-feet)

USB cable: 182.9 cm (6-feet)

Mechanical Buttons 4 Mechanical Buttons, 3 Unique Button Actions (The two small side buttons perform the same action)

4 Mechanical Buttons, 3 Unique Button Actions (The two small side buttons perform the same action)

Tap Zones 2 (Left Click Zone, Right Click Zone) 2 (Left Click Zone, Right Click Zone)
Physical Requirements No contact pressure required - sensitivity adjustable with driver No contact pressure required - sensitivity adjustable with driver
Warranty 3 years 3 years

GP410P-5011 - White

GP410P-5021 - Black

GP410U-5011 - White

GP410U-5021 - Black

NOTE for ME users:

GlidePoint drivers should NOT be downloaded and installed on Windows ME systems.

NOTE for Mac Users

Cirque Corporation does not provide drivers for the Macintosh platform.

USBOverdrive for Macintosh Shareware Application information

Users that wish to customize their input devices on the Macintosh platform may find the USBOverdrive utility, created by Alessandro Levi Montalcini of interest. This shareware utility has been reported to augment the capabilities of the touchpad and allow for more customization of the touchpad features.

Cirque Corporation has tested our USB GlidePoint products with the USBOverdrive utility on a limited basis. The USBOverdrive utility should enable vertical scrolling capability, and the two side button functionality in addition to augmenting overall control of pointer motion.


Cirque Corporation and takes no responsibility for installation, support, or compatibility of third party applications. Please do not submit technical support request to Cirque Corporation or regarding third party applications or utilities.

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